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Last Post

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:16 am
by woodchip
Due to the latest choice of moderator for this forum, this will be my last post here. As Bee herself stated, she at first thought it was a joke. So did I but apparently not. My disappointment per se was the board owner (or whomever made it happen) took no time to ask Bee if she wanted the position nor ask the people who post here who they thought might be good. If asked I'd of said Cuda. I'm not sure why 30, 40, 50 and yes even 60 year old members need a 21 year old to tell us what words to use. There are plenty of children forums that one can go to if clean language is the norm. While some forums have hilariously inept swear filters, none of them have mods that are concerned with attempts to bypass them. We are all adults here or at least I thought until I saw the latest choice in moderator. While I will miss those of you who do not post on the other board, I no longer would feel comfortable posting here with who is now moderator. Farewell.

Re: Last Post

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:49 am
by dissent
Banning yourself??


um, OK. Your choice.

Re: Last Post

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:05 am
by Foil
Over-react much, woodchip?

You know you can't stay away from the political threads. :wink:

Re: Last Post

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:46 am
by Isaac
This is the more correct way of thinking about it Woodchip,
Moderators and Admins are the servants on this board. They don't serve themselves, they serve us regular users. They're here to take orders from us, otherwise we'd just go somewhere else. "Bees" social status did not go up by coming moderator. She is an internet janitorial service provider.

I recommend you stay!

Re: Last Post

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:10 pm
by fliptw
has she done any moderating yet?

Re: Last Post

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:58 pm
My first thought, Did you Give her a chance? I saw nothing in her statement that would indicate she'll turn into a Forum Nazi.

My second thought, I agree 30-60 year old's "shouldn't" need moderating. but it's the 20 year olds that are using all the language, I say Jury of their peers.

My third thought: thanks for the Vote :mrgreen:

Fourth thought: reconsider

Re: Last Post

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:28 pm
by Lothar
OMG I'm afraid of Bettina! She's going to edit out the swear words that I don't use anyway!

Re: Last Post

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:30 pm
by Nightshade
Provided Bet even uses her new powers here, I'm betting she won't touch the content unless there's profanity.

Re: Last Post

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:55 pm
by Avder
ThunderBunny wrote:Provided Bet even uses her new powers here, I'm betting she won't touch the content unless there's profanity.
Thats pretty much exactly what she said in the thread about her being promoted to moderator. I called her on it, and then the board got switched to its new format and theres now an option to turn the swear filter off for those who want it off, so I really see no point in bypassing the filter at all when you can just shut it off.

With that, and profanity basically a per-user choice, what is she going to do here again? Makes no ****ing sense to me unless shes actually willing to moderate.

And woodchip...interesting choice. The plot thickens.

Mod speaking.... Avder, swear filter or not, I'm not allowing that word to remain as it is so I changed the first four letters to asterisks. I don't have to ask you nicely here because I've already replied nicely to your post at .com and you know full well how I feel about certain words. I want this forum to remain profanity free yet spirited like it has been but lately a few want to turn it into another .com.

Re: Last Post

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:01 pm
by Krom
I'm starting to wonder if she won't be too afraid of the backlash to actually use any moderator functions even when she should...

Re: Last Post

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:59 pm
by Duper
Avder wrote: With that, and profanity basically a per-user choice, what is she going to do here again? Makes no ****ing sense to me unless shes actually willing to moderate.

Except that if you're not logged in, the filtering doesn't work. ... does it. :roll:

Re: Last Post

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:29 pm
Avder wrote:
ThunderBunny wrote:Provided Bet even uses her new powers here, I'm betting she won't touch the content unless there's profanity.
Thats pretty much exactly what she said in the thread about her being promoted to moderator. I called her on it, and then the board got switched to its new format and theres now an option to turn the swear filter off for those who want it off, so I really see no point in bypassing the filter at all when you can just shut it off.

With that, and profanity basically a per-user choice, what is she going to do here again? Makes no ****ing sense to me unless shes actually willing to moderate.

And woodchip...interesting choice. The plot thickens.

Mod speaking.... Avder, swear filter or not, I'm not allowing that word to remain as it is so I changed the first four letters to asterisks. I don't have to ask you nicely here because I've already replied nicely to your post at .com and you know full well how I feel about certain words. I want this forum to remain profanity free yet spirited like it has been but lately a few want to turn it into another .com.
ROFL you've been Bee slapped :P

Re: Last Post

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:32 pm
by Bet51987

Re: Last Post

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:48 pm
there shouldn't be any backlash.

you made yourself CRYSTAL clear so they knew where you stood. if they get edited then they've got no one to blame but themselves.
George Carlin wrote:Okay, I was thinking one night about the words you couldn't say on the public, ah, airwaves, um, the ones you definitely wouldn't say, ever, [']cause I heard a lady say ★■◆● one night on television, and it was cool like she was talking about, you know, ah, well, the ★■◆● is the first one to notice that in the litter Johnie right (murmur) Right. And, uh, bastard you can say, and hell and damn so I have to figure out which ones you couldn't and ever and it came down to seven but the list is open to amendment, and in fact, has been changed, uh, by now, ha, a lot of people pointed things out to me, and I noticed some myself. The original seven words were, ****, ****, ****, ****, ****sucker, mother******, and ****.

Re: Last Post

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:50 pm
by Avder
Bee wrote: Mod speaking.... Avder, swear filter or not, I'm not allowing that word to remain as it is so I changed the first four letters to asterisks. I don't have to ask you nicely here because I've already replied nicely to your post at .com and you know full well how I feel about certain words. I want this forum to remain profanity free yet spirited like it has been but lately a few want to turn it into another .com.
Are you kidding me? You have to be kidding me. So now not only can we not dodge the swear filter, we cant even type the god damned word as is so the swear filter can catch it? If someone doesnt want to see it, they can leave their swear filter on. If someone isnt logged in, the swear filter should be on. It is only those who have logged in and ACTIVELY, BY CHOICE turned their swear filter off that can see it.

The swear filter, with the added features of this new version of this board, was apparently going to be albe to be turned off.


You dont like my use of the F-word? Leave your swear filter turned on. I come here for the (occasional) adult, grown up debate, and that includes adult language. I dont need some upstart who was not approved by the actual users of this forum to edit the content of my post when the swear filter is actually working and not even circumvented.

I am absolutely outraged. I'm with woodchip on this. See you on .com, where I will be free to cuss you the ★■◆● out.

Re: Last Post

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:00 pm
Avder wrote: I dont need some upstart who was not approved by the actual users of this forum
I'm sorry I didnt realise that ANY of us had a choice who was a Mod on this forum. Since it is a PRIVATELY owned forum. it's not a popularity contest. it's an appointment

Re: Last Post

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:06 pm
by Isaac
Avder wrote:I'ma huff and puff and bloow my self outta hea!!!!
You're making a fuss over nothing. This is a web forum and not what ever it is you mistook it for.

Re: Last Post

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:46 pm
by Sergeant Thorne
I think it's a good time to take a breather and rethink a few things. Woodchip feels the way he feels and I can begin to understand his reasons for being unhappy about this whole thing. I don't think he's overreacting but I do think he needs to consider that Koolbear assumable appointed Bee moderator because he liked her expressed views on the need for curbing foul language on the board. This board has always been an actively moderated board, at least when the moderators have been active. Personally I feel like the moderation that took place in this topic was unfortunately lacking on two points: common sense, and professionalism. Avder makes a very good point. What is the point of having a swear filter if you're not allowed to swear? I think between Bee, Koolbear, and whoever else you folks need to figure that one out and then drop Avder a line. And Bee, take some constructive criticism from someone who has had a good deal of exposure to both good and bad managers: don't make it personal. Nothing on here needs to be personal unless someone is really out to cause trouble, and then maybe a rebuke is in order. For frequent, incidental offenders, a polite warning. Remember this isn't your BB, you're simply enforcing the DBB rules according to your good judgment. Like Woodchip said, we're all adults here. Personally I think Bee was a good choice for moderator. A little wet behind the ears, maybe, but a good choice.

Re: Last Post

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:49 pm
by Gooberman
I agree with woody in the sense that previously I seem to recall a thread and discussion, etc, I liked that proces.

*ALSO* I liked the spirit of the Lothar/Birdseye team, each leaning more in opposite directions, so to that effect I would nominate CUDA as well.

With that blurb being said, "give bees a chance" ;-)

Re: Last Post

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:11 pm
by Bet51987

Re: Last Post

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:03 pm
by Ferno
wah. I can't use swear words on a board so i'll make a scene. wah.

"I come here for the (occasional) adult, grown up debate, and that includes adult language."

so be an adult and get along with the rest of the people here instead of trying to fight a futile battle that makes you look like a child.

Re: Last Post

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:28 am
by Richard Cranium
Bet51987 wrote:Either way, I have to get to bed but tommorrow I'll know if I've been fired or not.
Not by me and it won’t be a snap decision by the others either. Bee is the mod in this forum. It can be a hard job and if you do nothing people will be upset but if you do something others will.


Re: Last Post

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:42 am
by Skyalmian
Bet51987 wrote:
You could simply step down / resign like an "official" does in government and force them to choose another moderator, due to all the drama around this. I would.

Re: Last Post

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:47 am
by CDN_Merlin
People, this is just a forum. Grow up and follow the rules like everything in life. You speed, you get a ticket. You rob, you go to jail. You swear on the DBB, you get filtered. Grow some maturity and get on with life. Yes there are time when swearing just fits the bill, then go post on the .com.

Re: Last Post

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:05 am
by Isaac
Bet51987 wrote:Why don't we just all move to .com.
I try! The troll forum keeps kicking me out for no reason!

Re: Last Post

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:03 am
by Krom
Bet51987 wrote:What happened?
Someone tripped on the Idiot Ball and it has been bouncing around E&C ever since... ;) :P

Re: Last Post

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:31 am
by Bet51987

Re: Last Post

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:16 am
by Foil
Good for Bet, standing up and doing exactly what she said she would.

I'd rather see Woodchip and Avder grow up and learn what the phrase, "When in Rome" means. But if they decide that they can't hack it here, okay, they can hang out at .com.

Re: Last Post

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:18 am
I guess my first question would be for the Admins. is the swear filter an automatic on for anyone unregistered? because if it is on then with the option turned on in registered settings it becomes an auto moderated issue and then Bee if no longer the devil for wanting language to be controlled.

for those of you that feel that you as an "adult" have the right to swear on this forum and that you dont want Bee calling you on it.

first off you have no right to swear on this board. your posting here is a Priveledge.

second as an "adult" you have a certain responsibility to act as one
Wiki wrote:Tips on acting like an adult.
1.Try talking with some adults more. Learn how they act and how they talk.
2.Hanging around with mature people can help you become even more mature!
3.Try having friendly debates with friends. This will help make sure you don't lose your cool in an argument you are trying to make.
4.Practice your manners with friends and family, you don't see many mature people belching loudly at the dinner table.
5.Ask your closest friend and dearest family member.
Don't act like an adult just because you want to seem cool. Act like an adult when you are ready to act like an adult, which comes naturally.

Re: Last Post

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:21 am
by Foil
CUDA wrote:is the swear filter an automatic on for anyone unregistered?
No, it defaults to 'off' for unregistered visitors, which is the reason Bet alluded to earlier.

Re: Last Post

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:22 am
Foil wrote:
CUDA wrote:is the swear filter an automatic on for anyone unregistered?
No, it defaults to 'off' for unregistered visitors, which is the reason Bet alluded to earlier.
Then maybe that should be changed then this whole issue becomes a Mute point.

Re: Last Post

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:46 am
by KoolBear

You WILL STOP editing post. Period! You are here to be a catalyst for conversation, to spark it when it is slow, to nudge a thread back on topic you are NOT here to edit anyone's post.

If you don't like a post report it and and an admin will decide how to handle it.


Re: Last Post

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:51 am
by Krom
Foil wrote:No, it defaults to 'off' for unregistered visitors, which is the reason Bet alluded to earlier.
. . .
I'm not sure where you got that idea. It defaults to on for Guests, you have to register in order to be able to turn it off.

Log off and test it for yourself, I just added "pineapple" (<--- bypassed) to the word censor. If it works [censored] will appear in the center of it like so: pineapple!

Re: Last Post

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:58 am
by Foil
Pineapple .

Ah, I stand corrected.

Looks like it's a moot point. Thanks, Krom.

Bet, people won't see the words unless they intentionally register and turn the filter off. I'd say that means there's no need for mod edits.

Re: Last Post

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:05 am
by KoolBear
Foil wrote:Pineapple .

Ah, I stand corrected.

Looks like it's a moot point. Thanks, Krom.

Bet, people won't see the words unless they intentionally register and turn the filter off. I'd say that means there's no need for mod edits.

Re: Last Post

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:06 am
well then problem solved and Bee is no longer the bad guy. :mrgreen:

Re: Last Post

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:37 am
by Bet51987
I had "enable word censoring on" set to 'yes' but was still able to see Avder's full word. What am I doing wrong?


P.S. Koolbear, I sent you a PM.


Re: Last Post

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:41 am
by Jeff250
The swear filter doesn't appear to be very good. It censors ★■◆● but not ★■◆● (when ellipsis is removed).

Re: Last Post

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:02 pm
by Krom
It is because the filter was set to match only the bare word without any wildcards. Like again with the fruit example: pineapplebbq doesn't match, and neither does omgpineapple because there are no wildcards attached to the censor. I fixed the fword with a wildcard so it should behave as expected now (in most cases).

Edit: lol KB was working on them at the same time! Pineapple!

Re: Last Post

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:37 pm
by Bet51987
Can someone answer my question please. I need to know in a hurry. :|
