Search found 26 matches

by Yogi
Tue May 30, 2006 3:33 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Bug Reports - MS Windows - continuation thread
Replies: 333
Views: 66829

Weyrman wrote:1.6.62

Dropping markers and running through markers has the wrong sound effect associated with it. It currently plays the missile launch sound instead of the original beep-beep sound.

I vouch for that! Actually, noticed this with earlier version of D2XL.

by Yogi
Thu May 11, 2006 6:49 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Bug Reports - MS Windows
Replies: 2588
Views: 996091


I can't explain what happened. Yesterday I installed the newest 1.6.52 and started up D2. The in-game configurations were all changed and I was getting like 1 FPS! I re-configured the game and re-installed all files that are in my DATA folder and ROOT folder of descent. Now with good FPS, I do not ...
by Yogi
Tue May 09, 2006 12:53 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL suggestions thread
Replies: 410
Views: 98290

Re: Thief Bot config switch for D2

I did a search in the D2X forum and found no such suggestions: for D2, add a switch config setting to have thief bot in game (value of 1) or no thief bot in the game (value of zero). Would this be too much work Diedel? Thanks, Yogi Isn't that like "cheating"? :P Scared of him are ya?? :lol: Thief ...
by Yogi
Mon May 08, 2006 8:19 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: the bionic Diedel
Replies: 9
Views: 2266


Fast ... faster ... fastest ... Diedel. :mrgreen: Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world's first bionic Diedel . Diedel will be that man. Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster. :mrgreen: But who's going to cough up the $60 ...
by Yogi
Mon May 08, 2006 8:16 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL suggestions thread
Replies: 410
Views: 98290

Thief Bot config switch for D2

I did a search in the D2X forum and found no such suggestions: for D2, add a switch config setting to have thief bot in game (value of 1) or no thief bot in the game (value of zero). Would this be too much work Diedel?

by Yogi
Fri Apr 14, 2006 6:41 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Bug Reports - MS Windows
Replies: 2588
Views: 996091

No 3-D robots in briefings

Even with the latest 1.6.21 (and previous version), I don't see any robots during the briefings for D2 Vertigo. Same issue with the nomovie switch removed.

Oh, and it is my hope that all of you find joy in the true meaning of Easter, the resurrection of Jesus the Lord! Happy Easter!

by Yogi
Thu Apr 13, 2006 9:43 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Bug Reports - MS Windows
Replies: 2588
Views: 996091

1.6.18 - sound and texture issues

In D2 Vertigo levels I note that the lava textures and door animations are flashing (like a fuzzy TV screen). Also, when firing my lasers, the sounds are real choppy (?)

Anyone else having these issues?

by Yogi
Tue Apr 11, 2006 5:04 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Bug Reports - MS Windows
Replies: 2588
Views: 996091

Door Animation and 1.6.15

Sorry if this bug has already been mentioned here. Using 1.6.15 and Novacron's hi-res textures, I see corrupt animation next to each door (looks like a fuzzy TV screen) in D2 Vertigo level 12. I have already sent JPG and savegame level to Diedel.

by Yogi
Sat Apr 08, 2006 10:27 am
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Bug Reports - MS Windows
Replies: 2588
Views: 996091

Well, my internet connection is back in service. I have not updated to D2XL1.6.12 yet, but will give it a try soon. I am using 1.5.178 as it performs stable for me. I have been wondering about this for a while. When will D2XL become gold (i.e. locked features, all major bugs fixed, no new bugs ...
by Yogi
Thu Apr 06, 2006 6:12 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Bug Reports - MS Windows
Replies: 2588
Views: 996091


Listen guys, do you all want me to read your minds to find out in what mission/level/area exactly the problems appeared? Give me savegames! OK, I found the D1 level that becomes a slide show when entering the first door. Level 16 with hi-res. Using 1.6.9 and hi-res textures has the same effect. The ...
by Yogi
Wed Apr 05, 2006 8:25 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Bug Reports - MS Windows
Replies: 2588
Views: 996091

1.6.7 impressions

I too notice the bug in the 3D map mode: I see only the green dots for the prisoners! I also notice some performance hits with this version - i.e more stutters when using hi-res textures. Some textures are missing or don't look right. There is one level in D1 (I'm trying to remember which level ...
by Yogi
Sun Mar 19, 2006 10:55 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Bug Reports - MS Windows
Replies: 2588
Views: 996091

Hi Res textures

I too am having problem getting D2X to recognize the hi res textures. I placed Novacron's textures into a folder called \"textures.\" The exact location is H:\\Descent_D2X-XL\\textures.

Diedel, could you please specify the exact syntax needed for the hires_texture switch command?
by Yogi
Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:56 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Bug Reports - MS Windows
Replies: 2588
Views: 996091


Using version .64 and Descent 2 level 13, I am getting CTD whenever I change secondary weapons, specifically number 6 (concussion and ?). Also, key 7 toggles my Homing and Burn (?) and key 8 toggles Flash and bomb (?)

Anyone else having these issues?
by Yogi
Thu Mar 02, 2006 10:52 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Bug Reports - MS Windows
Replies: 2588
Views: 996091

Bomb selection function mapped to energy-shield converter

Hello Diedel!

I note the following bug in D2 and using 1.5.149: pressing a key for bomb selection also activates the energy-to-shield conversion (when you can use that conversion, of course)

by Yogi
Sun Feb 05, 2006 10:48 pm
Forum: Descent Old Skool
Topic: How old is everyone and how long have you played Descent
Replies: 213
Views: 72157


This bear started playing D1 Levels of the World in 1996, after seeing D1 on a computer in late 1995. I have also played D2 in 1996 and D3 in 2000.

by Yogi
Thu Feb 02, 2006 11:43 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Q&A
Replies: 356
Views: 198727



Within the D2X ini file, do you allow spaces between switch commands? I want to \"organize\" my ini file so that I can locate items faster - :)

by Yogi
Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:23 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Bug Reports - MS Windows
Replies: 2588
Views: 996091


Techpro, Smiley image shamelessly ripped. :mrgreen: Yogi, try '-nomovies 1' in d2x.ini (full explanation see There's Cat 6.1 available, btw. I recommend using that one. Diedel, I have installed D2X-XL 1.5.108 and CAT 5.13 CCC (not bothering with 6.1 for now). Two ...
by Yogi
Wed Feb 01, 2006 10:47 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Bug Reports - MS Windows
Replies: 2588
Views: 996091


#1 Re-download v1.5.106. I had a 1.5.106 up with that bug, but had withdrawn and later replaced it with a new 1.5.106 (1.5.106b, so to speak). #2 What drivers are you using? Any flicker fix or @home clients running in the background? Hi Diedel! Thanks for your continuous support! I did a search on ...
by Yogi
Tue Jan 31, 2006 5:50 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Bug Reports - MS Windows
Replies: 2588
Views: 996091

Flying through walls in the mines!

Hello all! I just installed D1 and D2 along with Diedel's D2X-XL. I have only played three levels, one in D1 and two in D2. I have two issues to report: 1) In level 2 of D2, I can fly through the walls in the mines. It gets completely dark on my screen whenever any part of my Pyro goes \"out of the ...
by Yogi
Tue Jan 31, 2006 3:57 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Q&A
Replies: 356
Views: 198727


Diedel wrote:Oops, that was ambiguous. hxm -> data. Apart from that, correct interpretation.
Thank you for your help Diedel! Now, could you update your installation page with these details so others like me will know better!

by Yogi
Tue Jan 31, 2006 3:38 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Q&A
Replies: 356
Views: 198727


All hog files except descent.hog and descent2.hog have to go to the missions folder. Same for hxm files. descentg.ini and eregcard.ini are ignored by d2x-xl. eregcard.exe is a registration program. You can delete it. pcxview.exe is for viewing images in pcx format. Not required for playing Descent ...
by Yogi
Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:57 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Q&A
Replies: 356
Views: 198727


Place the D1 data files in the data folder too. Missions go into the missions folder. :) Thanks Diedel for D2X-XL! OK, I don't know what are data files and mission files in Descent - it's been too many years since I had this game on my PC. My files/folders are organized as shown: Folders: config ...
by Yogi
Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:50 pm
Forum: Descent Old Skool
Topic: Descent 1 and 2: I can fly through mine walls!
Replies: 0
Views: 1403

Descent 1 and 2: I can fly through mine walls!

Hello everyone! This past Sunday I decided to install D1 and D2 using D2X-XL. I have the following PC: ASUS P4C800E P4 2.8c Ghz/800Mhz FSB Thermaltake Spark 7 HSF and Antec silver thermal paste 1GB Corsair Twinx 3200LL WD36G Raptor (x2) S-ATA HDD in RAID 0 array Pioneer DVR-108 DVD-RW Floppy Drive ...
by Yogi
Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:03 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: Descent and D2X-XL
Replies: 3
Views: 1879

Re: Descent and D2X-XL

Need system specs and what OS are you using? Here it is: ASUS P4C800E P4 2.8c Ghz/800Mhz FSB Thermaltake Spark 7 HSF and Antec silver thermal paste 1GB Corsair Twinx 3200LL WD36G Raptor (x2) S-ATA HDD in RAID 0 array Pioneer DVR-108 DVD-RW Floppy Drive SB Audigy 1 ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB Lian-Li ...
by Yogi
Mon Jan 30, 2006 11:41 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: D2X-XL Q&A
Replies: 356
Views: 198727

D2X-XL file structure for D1 and D2

Hello, As best as I could, I placed my D2 and D1 files in the folders config, data, demos, missions, movies, profiles, savegames. Where should I place my D1 files *.HOG ,*.MSN, and *.MVL files? Also, is it correct to place my D2 *.MSN2 files in the MISSIONS folder? Sorry for asking - it's been too ...
by Yogi
Mon Jan 30, 2006 11:19 pm
Forum: D2X-XL
Topic: Descent and D2X-XL
Replies: 3
Views: 1879

Descent and D2X-XL

Hello! I just installed Descent 1 and Descent 2 on my PC, along with the D2X-XL files. :) 1) When launching a D1 Level, I always get this error message: \"Can't convert unknown Descent 1 texture #1056\" Do I fix this? 2) When playing D2 (and D1 levels), my screen will go blank whenever I minimize ...