Quantum Tunneling Through Time + More Quantum Stuff

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Quantum Tunneling Through Time + More Quantum Stuff

Post by Aggressor Prime »

I know quantum tunneling can allow particle to go through perfect walls (and in a sense across unlimited space due to a particle's diminishing probability stretching out infinitely), but can a particle also use quantum tunneling to break conventional time travel (backwards or skip ahead) considering time merely being another dimension connected to the waves of particles and conventional time being the most likely picked by a particle to obey?

Also, is there a way to force the probability of a particle's location from one location to another through some kind of quantum writing, in a sense, to rewrite the quantum equation that predetermines all actions that reside within the physical?

Single Particle Theory
Thinking about quantum tunneling has also given me some insight to a possible nature of the universe. Let us assume there exists one particle that by itself takes up no space and no time. This particle has a probability chart that places itself in probable locations throughout spacetime. Considering a constant time, there are unlimited places the particle can be. Let us assume the particle does place itself within all those locations at the same time, or really mirrors itself as being in all those locations at the same time, existing by itself outside of spacetime. Then through all the times, the particle does the same thing, making probable locations of the actual and forming mirror images in all places. So all spacetime (the complete universe in all time) is writen out by a single particle's relation to probability. Lets put the actual particle into spacetime as operating in all these places/times at once (at once because there is no time above the dimension of time). In a sense, this single particle makes everything that exist in the universe, not the laws though, in which the universe at its core is just a reflection of probability.
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Post by BUBBALOU »

ok busted, your cut and paste looks good.... wrong forum.. now go away!

I seem to have a better workout dodging your stupidity than attempting to grasp the weight of your intelligence.
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'Busted' is Aggressor Prime?! oh man
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Post by Foil »

No, Bubba's not saying Agressor is Busted. They're two different Descent players. Bubba was saying that he thought Agressor had been \"busted\" for copying & pasting something that wasn't his own.

Now, back on topic:

There's a whole lot of confusion about the quantum mechanics perspective, where a particle's spacetime location is modeled as a probability distribution, rather than a single distinct point. Misunderstandings about this lead to all kinds of misconceptions.

Just remember, quantum mechanics is a probabilistic model. It works exceptionally well for physics with subatomic particles, but it can't be taken to imply that reality is fundamentally a set of probabilities, or that contradictory results are okay (like single particles in multiple spacetime locations at once, etc.) That would be akin to saying \"there's a 50% chance of flipping heads with this coin\", and concluding that a single result could be both heads and tails.
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Post by Aggressor Prime »

1. I came up with this with my own logic.
2. @ Foil
We must remember that time is just another dimension, and as such, the particle has the probability to exist in any one point in time. To clarify what this particle is, let us assume it is the smallest possible bit of matter, specifically \"qualitative matter.\" We know that while a nuclear reaction may transfer matter into energy, the number of protons/neutrons/electrons remain the same in the system. In this way, a proton may have less mass, yet keep its +1 charge and its quality of a proton which defines what atom is what. A single bit of qualitative matter has in a sense, the smallest possible mass (maybe even no mass and provides only the illusion of mass), yet a quality. It has the ability to be anywhere at any time. In fact, it goes to every possible place, otherwise the place wouldn't be possible. Now again, time is a dimension, allowing the particle to travel to all points in time, but time doesn't force the particle into one point. The particle forces time's existence, like it forces space's existence (a differation of position) by placing itself in which times are probable. In this sense, the particle can exist in multiple locations at one time, but remain one particle. I know you may see this as confusing, so let me give a particle's story:

Particle A starts off in 0,0,0,0 in which the first 3 numbers represent spacial location (x,y,z) and the last one represents time location. The particle then moves to 0,0,0,1. By this, the particle stays in the same place, but moves forward in time. Then the particle moves to 1,0,0,2. The particle, going through time, moves to a point in space different from before. Then the particle moves to 1,1,0,3. Again, the particle moves through time and to a y cordinate of 1. But from there, the particle can move to 0,1,0,2. In this sense, at 2 points forward from the beginning, there exists a particle at spacial locations 1,0,0 and 0,1,0 making the particle appear in two places but only be one particle. It helps to understand the world without time, since time is just a dimension. Ok, well, all these steps take place without time, allowing the particle to immediately map out its existance in all time, making a solid universe. There is no movement if one observes everything outside time, everything is predetermined and nothing can change.

This leads to my questions. We, at least we who have souls that contain a spiritual aspect and therefore seperate us from nature (I'll treat this as a fact and please don't let religion or the lack thereof get in the way of science), can change this solid nature of the universe through choice unbound by this singular particle. In such a way, we can add an effect to the single particle's probability allowing a change in a location or a change in time, any location and any time. Of course the real question is, how do we change the particle's probability through time's dimension, allowing either our physical body (body+mind) to travel through time as we wish while staying connected to our spiritual element that allows us to make choices and change the universe as we wish. I believe such a method would have to stem from the quantum level, specifically some sort of quantum writing in which we not only receive data on a problem by natural laws, but store laws within nature itself.

I hope this lifts the conception that two of the same particles being in two different places at the same time is contradictory. If we were to touch one of those particles, we are not touching the particle it represents, it is only a residual effect of the original particle of creation.
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Post by Foil »

Aggressor Prime wrote:Particle A starts off in 0,0,0,0 ... then moves to 0,0,0,1 ... to 1,0,0,2 ... moves to 1,1,0,3.
That works.

Just to visualize, if X,Y,Z are the right/left, forward/back, and up/down axes respectively, then:

Particle A started at a point. (0,0,0,0)
Particle A did not move for the first unit of time. (0,0,0,1)
Particle A moved right one unit during the second unit of time. (1,0,0,2)
Particle A moved forward one unit during the second unit of time. (1,1,0,3)

However, here's where you went "off track":
Aggressor Prime wrote:But from there, the particle can move to 0,1,0,2.
Sorry, no.

Time can be modeled as a dimension, and the model is actually sort of similar to a 4-dimensional physical space. But it's not the same. A particle can't traverse it forward and back the same way it does along a physical dimension. In other words, 3D space + time is different than 4D space. (The mathematical topologies are similar, but there are are some pretty big differences.)

One way to see this is in the model for General Relativity (Einstein), another is to look at the topic of causality. The best way to picture it may be this: if you try to "run the equations back" along the time dimension, you get exactly the reverse. E.g. in your example, it would just run backwards (1,1,0,3... 1,0,0,2 ... 0,0,0,1 ... 0,0,0,0), you don't get "other possibilities".

Yeah, it would be cool if we could just traverse back along time the same way we can traverse back along a physical path, but that's purely in the realm of science fiction. (Note that quantum "tunnelling" is a different phenomenon.)
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Post by Foil »

Aggressor Prime wrote:I hope this lifts the conception that two of the same particles being in two different places at the same time is contradictory. If we were to touch one of those particles, we are not touching the particle it represents, it is only a residual effect of the original particle of creation.
Sorry, it's still a contradiction.

"Residual effect of the original particle" = cool idea, not real science.
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Post by Aggressor Prime »

What proof is there that says time is only one directional?
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Post by Foil »

How in-depth an answer do you want?

As I said, it can be seen in the equations for Einstein's Relativity, and it follows from the princicple of causality (because you get contradictions if causality is violated).

Other spacetime topologies have been proposed of course, but as far as I know, none have been proven, and none have ever broken the causal structure. On the other hand, we know very very well that the \"time dimension\" is different from physical dimensions, not only from experience, but from scientific observation.
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Post by Aggressor Prime »

So by the special qualities that make time a different dimension than spacial ones, quantum tunneling through time becomes impossible? Makes sense.
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Post by ccb056 »

Time is directional because entropy is directional because time is directional.

Thank you Yossarian!
I haven't lost my mind, it's backed up on disk somewhere.
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