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Post by Will Robinson »

Bet51987 wrote:...

Republicans have never had any intent to do anything to fix healthcare for the millions who need it.
You have a fundamental flaw in that argument. There are no millions of people who have no healthcare. healthcare has been available for many decades. the current bill that you think is so great is supposed to deal with the underinsured. And it is supposed to reduce healthcare costs to aid in that goal but it does little of that and instead does a lot of destructive and/or politically devious crap that many of us reject even though some of it is good. A nice tasty glass of lemonade is good but I don't want to sip it from around arsenic laced ice cubes....

The current healthcare bill that you celebrate does far less good than you think it does but since it is a democrat in office right now you consistently refuse to discuss or even acknowledge the many flaws in the bill.

As far as the intent of republicans to help/care/ are half right, the other half is the same is true of the democrats! This bill is a political manuver not an act of reform. Think about your own smug accusation you confirm it! You site republican control producing nothing....well unlike the republicans you site your democrats have had a filibuster proof congress and the Whitehouse all at once. Yet they didn't pass the plan Obama campaigned on and barely snuck in this abortion of a bill we have today! Why! Politics/power struggles and selfish greed among these people you think are so great. Exactly the same characteristics you hate the republicans for cultivating!!
You can't be that naive can you? That un-informed perhaps?...probably since you have shown us here that you selectively ignore debate and instead just drive by shooting off democrat party talking points.

So here, take it from a liberal source instead of from me:

from here or read it below....

Pelosi: Health Care Bill a Conservative Bill (Time to Go Back Under the Bus, Veal Pen)
By: Jane Hamsher Tuesday March 23, 2010 4:58 pm

Just before the House passed the health care bil, Nancy Pelosi sent out a letter. In it, she said that “An op-ed by E.J. Dionne on Friday reveals that the current health reform legislation pending before Congress was “built on a series of principles that Republicans espoused for years.” She bolded Dionne’s headline:

Why Democrats Are Fighting for a Republican Health Plan

It’s great that the Speaker of the House is telling people that intellectual credit for the health care bill belongs to the GOP. But Brad DeLong concurs:

Neither Democrats nor Republicans have an incentive to discuss the Republican roots of Obama’s health-care plan. But that doesn’t mean they’re not real—and deep….The conservative DNA of ObamaCare is hardly a secret. “The Obama plan has a broad family resemblance to Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts plan,” [David] Frum wrote. “It builds on ideas developed at the Heritage Foundation in the early 1990s that formed the basis for Republican counter-proposals to ClintonCare in 1993-1994.”

DeLong says the Republicans are so busy demonizing the bill for political advantage that they don’t want to admit it’s essentially the plan the GOP has been putting forward for years. He believes that the political calculus for the Democrats was “Romneycare or nothing”:

But if they pointed out the intellectual origins of the plan—oh, and by the way, the guts of the plan came out of the conservative über-think tank, the Heritage Foundation, and it was what Mitt Romney thought was good policy back in 2004—then the left-wing Democrats’ heads would have exploded and their votes would have vanished.

If it was so politically wise for Democrats to pass an essentially Republican plan, one wonders why Obama never campaigned on it. Pursuing this logic, Obama rode into office espousing something that was too wacky and “liberal” to ever pass Congress — even though the majority of Americans supported him for it.


The health care debate was essentially a fight between political parties, not political philosophies. And the public understood that (via Scott Payne):

If Bush had tried to pass this bill the entire progressive movement (such as it is) would have squealed like stuck pigs, with the volume and intensity they responded to Bush’s privatization of Social Security. Instead, we’re hearing about the “twilight of the interest groups” and the second coming of Abe Lincoln. It’s no surprise that Pelosi and others are trumpeting the bill’s conservative underpinnings today: now that they no longer need liberal veal pen validators to whip Democrats in order to pass it, they are anxious to insulate themselves from GOP attack by distancing themselves from progressives once again and trumpeting the bill’s Heritage Foundation roots. The question is why anyone was ever hoodwinked into thinking this was a “progressive” victory simply because the Republicans were against it. It was a Democratic party victory.

The White House is betting that those who committed themselves to Obama during the campaign won’t be bothered if he triangulates againsth is own campaign rhetoric and passes a right-wing health care bill — that their commitment to the ideals of the campaign will be trumped by their commitment to him as a personality. They may well be right. And the interest groups? Well, have a look at ACORN, because that’s where the dumb ones are headed. The smart ones (and they know who they are) got their payoffs.

In the end, “progressives” should be honest and admit that they are clapping for a health care plan that most found to be moral anathema when the GOP proposed it in 1994, and that going forward they will settle for nothing from the Democrats. And like it.

On the Republican side, there is a huge gap between the GOP corporatism of this bill and the libertarian anti-tax critique that the GOP is attempting to harvest with their “stop the mandate” ballot initiative campaign. But since the GOP won’t have to take responsibility for passing this bill, they can exploit it to turn out the vote in November without much fear of anybody noticing. Democrats will protect themselves by blaming the “liberals” for the bill’s shortcomings, and run to the right — as if they weren’t already there.

Before it’s all over, this thing is gonna make NAFTA look like the Emancipation Proclamation. And as for NAFTA itself — well, when Bart Stupak tries to repeal it, progressive leading lights will no doubt oppose him on the grounds that the President thinks he’s “icky.”
It's not that republicans wouldn't have voted for those provisions back in the '90's but they prefered Hillary suffered a total defeat rather than morph their ideas into her plan and let her have even a half victory....not that she would have accepted their input to the once they saw they had her dead in the water they chose the purely political goal of destroying her (and President Clintons) maneuver over improving the HillaryCare legislation.
So do you see why I beg you people to abandon your party, regardless of which party you think stinks less, and vote them all out?!?
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Post by Gooberman »

CUDA wrote: EDIT: still I have a problem with an "executive order" that can be changed at a whim without any legislature involvement. there is nothing to stop him or any future president from in effect making new law without the input of the people IE: their representatives.
I mean, given the fact that this is true: ... wbush.html

...and the fact that, while you diagree with the health care Bill, you *should* fully support this order...'s a bit hard to read that as anything but Obama bashing.
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Post by AlphaDoG »

Bet51987 wrote:
AlphaDoG wrote:It's boiling, I'm looking. WE THE PEOPLE are about to throw some water on a grease fire. So there!
Trying to destroy something that can actually help families in distress is something to be proud of isn't it.
The destruction of families in distress? Oh, you mean like taxpayer funded social programs that promote the dissolution of families. Was concerned that maybe you were concerned for a minute.
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Post by CUDA »

Gooberman wrote:
CUDA wrote: EDIT: still I have a problem with an "executive order" that can be changed at a whim without any legislature involvement. there is nothing to stop him or any future president from in effect making new law without the input of the people IE: their representatives.
I mean, given the fact that this is true: ... wbush.html

...and the fact that, while you diagree with the health care Bill, you *should* fully support this order...'s a bit hard to read that as anything but Obama bashing.
twist it anyway you want. an executive order that can change ANY written law on a whim is wrong an unconsitutional. the President does not have the Constitutional authority to write Law. ONLY the legislature can do that.

and I really dont care with your TC type reply "well Bush did it". I'm man enough to admit that if he changed a written law that it was wrong, are you willing to say the same about Obama or are you going to allow your allegiance to the DNC make you into a male Bettina?

by the way did you read the briefs on ANY of those executive orders that Bush signed? I did all 284

EDIT: FYI I do support this order, but I'll make you a bet that before the end of his administration he amends his executive order allowing it.
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Post by Spidey »

Kilarin wrote:
Bettina wrote:Republicans have never had any intent to do anything to fix healthcare for the millions who need it.
This is undeniably true.
This bill does nothing to reform “health care” all it does is tinker around with “insurance” health care costs will still be out of control, right along with insurance premiums.
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Post by Krom »

HAHA I knew it, the liberals would come in and defend this \"executive order\" while the conservatives would bash it. A perfect reversal from the W Bush era, most amusing. :twisted: :wink:
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Post by Bet51987 »

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Post by Will Robinson »

Bee you obviously aren't willing to second guess your position so I'm not going to bother continuing a one way conversation with you except to ask you why do you think the democrats had such a difficult time passing healthcare reform legislation when they have had the filibuster proof majority in the congress and the Presidency AND America overwhelmingly wanted them to pass something along those lines?

They could have easily passed a lot of very helpful provisions and had a big bipartisan support for it a long time ago due to the American people being in agreement that healthcare costs were way too high and insurance companies far to exploitive of the captive consumers.

So what stopped them from passing it right away?
The evil republicans couldn't stop them and the wonderful democrats had all the keys to the control room so you explain it please.

My answer is because they tried to use the opportunity of having the combination of complete control of both the executive, and legislative, branches of government AND the momentum of vast public support for health care cost reform and use that as a Trojan horse to introduce into law a bunch of liberal-as-hell legislation that buys them votes, power and intrusive control well beyond the mandate of the constitution. It was so blatant and awful that america recoiled in fear and disgust including many members of the democrat party!

Of course you'll reject my answer as right wing lies so please explain the truth of the matter according to Bee for all to see....
And throw in an explanation of why so much of this bill doesn't go into effect for at least four years.
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Post by VonVulcan »

Will Robinson wrote:Trojan horse to introduce into law a bunch of liberal-as-hell legislation that buys them votes, power and intrusive control well beyond the mandate of the constitution.
And that is the point of this thread Bee. Not that the whole plan is bad.
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Post by Spidey »

“The U.S. is the only wealthy, industrialized nation that does not have a universal health care system, according to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences. “

And this law isn’t going to create one either, it’s only going to create a more expensive private system with government errrr…taxpayer subsidies.

A kind of Frankenstein, if you will…
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Post by AlphaDoG »

Bet51987 wrote:-Children can stay on their parents insurance policies until they are 26.

-Children can no longer be denied coverage just because they were born sick.

-People will no longer lose their health insurance when they lose their jobs.

-Insurance companies will no longer be able to drop them or use rescission when they become sick.

-They can no longer cap their coverage, either annually or over their lifetime.

-People, like my friend, will no longer lose their life savings, their home and car, just because a loved one gets sick.

Thank You Mr. President. Only the "Party of No", their gun toting minions who now threaten you, and the jerks on this DBB would think that these are not good for the American people. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

You better look at these 6 things and wonder just when they go in effect. *HINT* it's NOT this year!
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Post by Spidey »

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< JERK

I may be a jerk, but at least I think with my own brain.
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Post by Bet51987 »

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Post by Krom »

Regardless of what this health care bill accomplishes or doesn't accomplish. The path to getting health care in the US when you really need it is still the same...
Go rob several banks, a good half dozen at least. It is a win-win no matter what the outcome: Either you get the money you need to escape the country and pay for the treatment of whatever illness you have, or you get arrested and thrown in a federal prison where you get whatever treatment you need for free including housing and meals!
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Post by Spidey »

I have the latest bill for my annual blood work right in front of me…505.00 dollars…payment due upon receipt. If I let these bills go for even a week, they put me in collection…I have to give my customers 30 days.

One thing I would have been thankful for, would have been a requirement that providers give thirty days to pay the bills, and maybe some kind of payment plans. Maybe even low interest loans, to pay health care bills.

Oh wait…I forgot, it wasn’t about “health care” just force everyone to have insurance, and problem solved.
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Post by VonVulcan »

Spidey wrote:I have the latest bill for my annual blood work right in front of me…505.00 dollars…payment due upon receipt. If I let these bills go for even a week, they put me in collection…
Must be some cold Dr.s you go to Spidey, In 03 my wife was diagnosed with cancer, in 05 she went through Chemo, radiation and surgery. Even after the insurance payed their part, we were left with a boatload of expenses, payable upon receipt... needless to say, no way could we pay in full so we called them and told them so, we payed them what we could monthly, no collections, no interest. It took a couple years to pay them off but they are paid in full. Hospital, surgeon, everyone. Even now with followup care, same deal. A big bill comes in, we talk to them and pay monthly. Now on the other hand, I know someone that ran up some routine medical bills, thought there was no way she could pay them. She never called them, never explained her position, made no attempt to pay any amount, ignored there letters and calls, ended up in collections and had a judgment rendered against her and her wages garnished.

Are you exaggerating a bit?
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Post by AlphaDoG »

Bet51987 wrote:
AlphaDoG wrote:
Bet51987 wrote:-Children can stay on their parents insurance policies until they are 26.

-Children can no longer be denied coverage just because they were born sick.

-People will no longer lose their health insurance when they lose their jobs.

-Insurance companies will no longer be able to drop them or use rescission when they become sick.

-They can no longer cap their coverage, either annually or over their lifetime.

-People, like my friend, will no longer lose their life savings, their home and car, just because a loved one gets sick.

Thank You Mr. President. Only the "Party of No", their gun toting minions who now threaten you, and the jerks on this DBB would think that these are not good for the American people. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

You better look at these 6 things and wonder just when they go in effect. *HINT* it's NOT this year!
*HINT* You're wrong...again. :wink:

@Will. I'll get back to you but I have an early test to sleep for.

Visit here: much?
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Post by Spidey »

VonVulcan…exaggerating what? The bill goes into collection within a very short period of time.

The bill comes from the lab, not the doctor, my doctor visits are very reasonable. I have never had to call the lab and ask for time to pay, I just ignore the “OVERDUE” notices and pay as soon as I can. You are probably right about calling and asking for time, my point is, it would be nice if you didn’t have to ask, and time payment was automatic, and provided for by law.

EDIT: Just to be clear “collections” is an in house department, not a “collection agency”.
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Post by woodchip »

Bet51987 wrote:
AlphaDoG wrote:
Bet51987 wrote:-Children can stay on their parents insurance policies until they are 26.

-Children can no longer be denied coverage just because they were born sick.
You better look at these 6 things and wonder just when they go in effect. *HINT* it's NOT this year!
*HINT* You're wrong...again. :wink: Bettina
Actually you are partially wrong. Ever hear of SCHIP?:

"The State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) – later known more simply as the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)[1] – is a program administered by the United States Department of Health and Human Services that provides matching funds to states for health insurance to families with children. The program was designed with the intent to cover uninsured children in families with incomes that are modest but too high to qualify for Medicaid."

This program has been around since the 90's and was implemented as a result of the Hillary debacle. My daughter who is in college has made use of it a couple of times as the age limiter goes to 26.
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Post by CUDA »

cmon guys we've discussed this OVER and OVER, NEVER present facts to a Liberal, they dont want to hear them.
if you present facts to a Lib it only confuses them. it's also very depressing for them since they can no longer believe the Lies that the party line tells them. some have comitted suicide. many end up on anti-depressants causing them to go onto the state run healtchcare system further raising your taxes
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Post by Top Gun »

CUDA wrote:cmon guys we've discussed this OVER and OVER, NEVER present facts to a Liberal, they dont want to hear them.
if you present facts to a Lib it only confuses them. it's also very depressing for them since they can no longer believe the Lies that the party line tells them. some have comitted suicide. many end up on anti-depressants causing them to go onto the state run healtchcare system further raising your taxes
...are you serious? he serious?
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Post by woodchip »

Serious as the soon to come death panels.
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Post by CUDA »

Top Gun wrote:
CUDA wrote:cmon guys we've discussed this OVER and OVER, NEVER present facts to a Liberal, they dont want to hear them.
if you present facts to a Lib it only confuses them. it's also very depressing for them since they can no longer believe the Lies that the party line tells them. some have comitted suicide. many end up on anti-depressants causing them to go onto the state run healtchcare system further raising your taxes
...are you serious? he serious?
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Post by Top Gun »

woodchip wrote:Serious as the soon to come death panels.
CUDA wrote:
Top Gun wrote:
CUDA wrote:cmon guys we've discussed this OVER and OVER, NEVER present facts to a Liberal, they dont want to hear them.
if you present facts to a Lib it only confuses them. it's also very depressing for them since they can no longer believe the Lies that the party line tells them. some have comitted suicide. many end up on anti-depressants causing them to go onto the state run healtchcare system further raising your taxes
...are you serious? he serious?
So I apparently do have to sit down and explain to you why the attitude you express here is completely immature and asinine, akin to a five-year-old boy on the playground running away from girls because they have cooties? Or how such sentiments are the real problem that America is facing today? Because I thought that would be fairly self-evident.

This folder really has gone downhill from where it was a few years back. There's a flat-out scary level of ideological inbreeding going on here.
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Post by Duper »


TG, if you had followed the thread, you would have realized that Cuda was referring to his earlier posts in exchange with Bett and the frustration he was experiencing.
He meant funny as in sarcasm.

Right, wrong or indifferent, That's what it was referring to.
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Post by Top Gun »

I've read enough of this thread, and a few recent ones, to know that the sentiment he expressed isn't entirely tongue-in-cheek (if, indeed, it was meant to be...did he even use the word \"funny\" in there?). Really, reading some of the reactions to the healthcare bill in here have left me alternately laughing my head off and genuinely scared. I seem to remember, at least to some degree, a point in this folder's history where people on opposite sides of an issue were able to understand where their opponent was coming from and respond in kind, but all I'm seeing here is some sort of buzzword-flinging ideological circle-jerk. Maybe I was better off not having poked my head back in.
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Post by CUDA »

LOL you show up after 5 pages of posts and then try and rag on me for some sarcasm :roll:
Top Gun wrote: Maybe I was better off not having poked my head back in.
best thing you've said all day. the doors over :arrow:
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Post by Top Gun »

Well you tell me, CUDA. When I see you yourself making statements like this:
CUDA wrote:many states have already said it will be challenged in court as such. meaning this will end up in the SCOTUS, where it will most likley be deemed unconsitutional, which will give people like Bettina more ammuntition to follow blindly with the Progressive Liberal socialist mantra of blaming conservatives for the lack of healthcare and the ills of her world.
...or your lovely insinuation with the Declaration of Independence quote a few pages back:
CUDA wrote:
"But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."
the time might be drawing near :roll:
...or some of SilverFJ's total lunacy:
*SilverFJ wrote:Or the armed insurrection...
...what exactly am I supposed to think? (ZOMG, he did read the thread!) I've been doing the forum thing for close to a decade now, and I'm at the point where I can pick out blatant sarcasm reasonably well. The fact that what you posted didn't jump off the page as such would sort of imply that it was close enough to some of your (and others') earlier, more serious statements that it didn't flip the same switches. And if you'll claim that everything you've said was heavily tinged with sarcasm, I'll ask you in turn how that would lead me to take your views seriously.

(Man, we don't even have a link-to-individual-post feature going? Those updates really would help.)
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Post by CUDA »

I seem to have struck a nerve. Good
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Post by Kilarin »

Top Gun wrote:a point in this folder's history where people on opposite sides of an issue were able to understand where their opponent was coming from and respond in kind
I think you have a valid point. Even when we disagree, we should be able to discuss these issues without slinging so much mud back and forth.
Top Gun wrote:Maybe I was better off not having poked my head back in.
We need different points of view in order to learn and have interesting discussions. I hope you decide to stay.
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Post by Spidey »

TG doesn’t bring anything new to the party, I have heard that “circle jerk” comment a million times, by people who just don’t like the way the discussion is going.

They stick their heads in and yell “you guys suck” then leave…Birds does it, Meaty does it, and a few more I could name.
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Post by VonVulcan »

They have passed a health care plan
written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it,
passed by a Congress that hasn't read it but exempts themselves from it,
to be signed by a president that also hasn't read it and who smokes,
with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes,
all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a
country that's broke.

What the hell could possibly go wrong?

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Post by VonVulcan »

Spidey wrote:VonVulcan…exaggerating what? The bill goes into collection within a very short period of time.

The bill comes from the lab, not the doctor, my doctor visits are very reasonable. I have never had to call the lab and ask for time to pay, I just ignore the “OVERDUE” notices and pay as soon as I can. You are probably right about calling and asking for time, my point is, it would be nice if you didn’t have to ask, and time payment was automatic, and provided for by law.

EDIT: Just to be clear “collections” is an in house department, not a “collection agency”.
Ahhh, I thought you were referring to outside collections. If time payment were automatic, they would probably start charging interest though. You usually have to give to get. As it stands now, everything being unofficial, in our experience it is best to communicate, they are probably so happy to not be dodged that they tend to bend over backwards to accommodate a person.
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Post by Kilarin »

Spidey wrote:TG doesn’t bring anything new to the party, I have heard that “circle jerk” comment a million times, by people who just don’t like the way the discussion is going.
But I think it is undeniable that there has been a lot of hostility coming off of BOTH sides of this debate. More hostility than debate. We should be able to disagree without shouting names and insults at each other, and I don't think we are achieving that very well right now.
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Post by CUDA »

Kilarin wrote:But I think it is undeniable that there has been a lot of hostility coming off of BOTH sides of this debate. More hostility than debate. We should be able to disagree without shouting names and insults at each other, and I don't think we are achieving that very well right now.
AGREED and it started with reply #1, by guess who
Not attacking the Dems? Sorry Vulcan but this is just another Republican whining site.

Sunday, hopefully, healthcare reform will pass. I don't care how it's done or what's torn down to achieve it but I hope it happens. The Republicans, when they're not messing with the school system trying to implement "Flintstoneism", will be out in force doing everything in their power to protect the rights of big business, big insurance and the rich. Second only is their fervent desire to make Obama's presidency fail.
so much debate on the merits of health care so very civil and not one poke in the eye :roll:
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Post by Bet51987 »

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Post by Spidey »

Guess who?

American Woman...

Sorry couldn’t resist.
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Post by VonVulcan »

I know people here don't like copy/paste posts but that's just tough cookies. This says it completely and concisely much better then I could. Again, I will repeat, the republicans have contributed much to this state of decline we find ourselves in.

Read it and comment.

I dare you.


Across our great nation, there is a groundswell of protest against the leftist agenda of those now holding power in the Executive and Legislative branches of the central government.

The tenor of this grassroots movement is growing louder as its number swells and its purpose becomes defined. It is a protest characterized not by a roar for revolution, but by a clarion call for restoration -- repair of our Constitution's authority and return to its standard for Rule of Law.

George Washington proclaimed, \"The Constitution, which at any time exists 'till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole People, is sacredly obligatory upon all.\"

Further, as Alexander Hamilton made clear in Federalist No. 81, \"[T]here is not a syllable in the [Constitution] which directly empowers the national courts to construe the laws according to the spirit of the Constitution....\"

Much less so is there any provision for the Executive or Legislative branches to rely upon interpretation of such language as that in the \"Commerce Clause\" to justify all manner of government intrusion, such as the newly implemented nationalization of health care.

James Madison, author of our Constitution, wrote, \"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents... If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the General Welfare, the Government is no longer a limited one, possessing enumerated powers, but an indefinite one... The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. ... There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.\"

Similarly, Thomas Jefferson wrote, \"[T]he States can best govern our home concerns and the general government our foreign ones. I wish, therefore ... never to see all offices transferred to Washington, where, further withdrawn from the eyes of the people, they may more secretly be bought and sold at market. ... [W]hen all government ... shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another. ... Were we directed from Washington when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread.\"

Undoubtedly, the author of our Declaration of Independence would have already demanded, again, that the Tree of Liberty be refreshed with the blood of Patriots and tyrants.

Those at the helm of the federal government, by way of overreaching executive orders, legislative malfeasance and judicial diktat, have abandoned their sacred oaths to \"support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic,\" and to \"bear true faith and allegiance to the same...\"

Though our Constitution provides the people with an authentic means for amendment, as prescribed in Article V, liberals have altered that august founding convention well beyond any semblance of its original intent.

They have expanded its scope beyond recognition in order to win the allegiance of special interest constituencies, who then ensure perpetual re-election of their sponsors, by way of political and economic agendas structured on Marxist-Leninist-Maoist collectivism.

Short of revolution, and consistent with the restoration of Rule of Law, we declare that our government's scope must be contracted to its original constitutional intent.

If we fail to accomplish this task, and Rule of Law is overwhelmed by the rule of men, tyranny and anarchy will prevail, and the ultimate arbiter of the law will depend not upon constitutional rule but ultimately, and crudely, upon which of the rivals possesses more firepower.

As a standard-bearer for Essential Liberty, the restoration of constitutional limits on government and the judiciary, and the promotion of free enterprise, national defense and traditional American values, The Patriot Post has received calls from grassroots leaders across the nation to put forth a conservative manifesto -- a plan of action to restore the integrity of our Constitution. After great deliberation, today we are releasing The Patriot Declaration (see PatriotDeclaration.US), in order that we might rally around a uniform proclamation to restore Constitutional Rule of Law.

As Benjamin Franklin said famously when signing the Declaration of Independence, \"We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we will all hang separately.\"

There's more if your not scared. ... claration/

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Post by Insurrectionist »

Bet51987 wrote:-Children can stay on their parents insurance policies until they are 26.
[rant]Great how lazy is a person who wants to live off their parents until they are 26. Get out of your parents house and get a fricking job and pay for your own insurance.[/rant]
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Post by VonVulcan »

This just in...
Rasmussen pole of the people, 55% in favor of repeal of the Health care bill, 42% opposed.
(20:12) STRESSTEST: Im actually innocent this time
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