How do you differ from your registered party?

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How do you differ from your registered party?

Post by Gooberman »

(if you are independent, just pick repub...the party your views most closely align to (it can be 3rd)). If you can't list any, then perhaps it is time to "pause and reflect..."

The three main ones for me are abortion, welfare, and gun elimination.

Abortion- I don't know how democrats got the pro-abortion side but it strikes me as illogical when compared to some of the other view points they hold.

Gun "control" - I am a strong supporter for the right to have shotguns, hand guns, and riffles...anything "larger" then that I tend to go with the Dems on. I want you to be able to protect yourself form an intruder, but not from the U.S. army...

Welfare - strong supporter of limited welfare, strongly opposed to unlimited welfare.
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Will Robinson
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Post by Will Robinson »

So what draws you to the democrats then? high taxes, weak laws and pimping the minorities? :D
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Post by Gooberman »

Can't participate Will?
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Vertigo 99
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Post by Vertigo 99 »

I'm pretty much a straight democrat; i don't even know if i really disagree with their ideologies:

I'm for...
-pro-choice (not "pro-abortion")
-welfare to some degree
-increased min wage
-right for gay marriage
-gun control should be more limited; it should still be relatively easy, but harder than it is now
-private education and health that is supported by the government but is still independent (if thats possible?)

Amongst other things. If anything, I'm probably more iberal than the democratic party. I ain't no socialist though.

and actually, although i seem very liberal, in actual practice, i think im more of a centralist. weird.
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Will Robinson
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Post by Will Robinson »

Gooberman wrote:Can't participate Will?
Sorry, just havin' some fun.

I part with the republicans, who until this election I supported, on:

>Drug importation - Kerry's right on that one

>Stem cell research - I don't want fetus farms but I *think* we can achieve regulation that would control that although I wouldn't count on the democrats to really try and stop it so it's a bit scarry on that level.

>Corporate welfare (there is a place for tax incentives but come on! Get real)

>probably a few more but can't think of it right now

EDIT: > Capital punishment - I'm against it

Before you say "so what draws you to the republicans, starving children, poisoning the water and killing brown people for their oil?" remember, I'm not voting for them again....
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Post by Fusion pimp »

I'm a registered Republican, but I align more with the Libertarians than anything else.

My view can be easily summed up by saying- I'm totally against any government mingling in the lives of ordinary citizens. The governments job is to secure our boarders, collect fair taxes and keep us safe from intruders on a national level.

If you can find a party that supports(or even closely) my views, please let me know. The Libs are the closest, but not nearly close enough.

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Post by BlueFlames »

Registered independent, but who am I really kidding with that one? ;)

Issues where I swing decidedly away from the Democrats (that is, Democrats in general; Kerry's a Republican in disguise, if you ask me)...

â?¢ Death penalty -- Not sure how much I can explain here. I think some criminals are beyond rehabilitation (hence why 'life without parole' prison sentences exist), and I don't see why those criminals should be clogging the prison system.

â?¢ Marriage as an institution of the state -- I swing away from just about everyone with this one, but I've got too much to say about that to compress into a single blurb here.

â?¢ Pre-emptive strikes -- I think that pre-emptive warfare does have its place. My opposition to the second Gulf War is rooted in that the evidence used to convince the public was wholly inadequate.

â?¢ Affirmative Action (in certain circumstances) -- I don't think the playing field for minorities is completely even, but it's getting there, and I'm not seeing affirmative action laws scaled back appropriately.

There's more, I'm sure, but it's about time for dinner, and nothing else is coming to mind immediately. The reason I'm registered independent is because some areas where I differ with the Democrats have been (and could once again become) major election issues at a local and national level. I'm not going to give any party my implicit support if there are significant chunks of the platform that I can't agree with.
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Post by Clayman »

I also am mostly libertarian, so I differ substantially from both parties. Both republicans and democrats try to seek solutions within government, I believe the solution is for the government to leave most of them alone.
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Post by Dedman »

I am a registered Democrat but...

I believe that guns are fun.

I believe that affirmative action needs to go away.

I believe that people need to take responsibility for thier choices and actions.

I believe that the Government doesn't owe me a thing.

I believe that we need to have a balanced budget.

I believe that gay people should be allowed to get married.

I believe that the "richest 2%" should be allowed to keep their money.

I believe that the poor need to get an education, or learn to like being poor.

I belive that illegal aliens are needed in this society as cheap labor but that they shouldn't qualify for a drivers licence.

I believe that Kerry isn't even remotely qualified to be my President.

I believe that medical necessary abortions are ok, but abortions used as birth control are not.

I believe that we should all be sterilized at birth and should have to pass a parenting test before the sterilization is reversed and we are allowed to have kids.

I believe that unioins are useless. In fact, when it comes to issues between a company and it's workers, I will usually side with the company unless it is about the physical and mental well being of the worker.
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