How To Tell When A Woman Is Interested In You 101

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How To Tell When A Woman Is Interested In You 101

Post by Iceman »

I am posting this for the benefit of some of you younger guys that haven't figured this out yet. It will save you mountains of self respect if you follow it. I also post this for the benefit of all the ladies you stoopid horny toads piss off. I have a lot of non-romantic female friends and they all complain that guys try to go too fast or won't take no for an answer. You guys that do this are giving all of us a bad rep.

Women help me out and back me up on this ... If I am wrong then by all means tell me so ...

So many times guys get so fascinated with a girl that they jump the gun ... that is ... they make a move on a lady when that lady simply is not ready to be moved on. The end result is usually not pretty; either the lady puts the guy down hard (thereby decimating his ego) or the guy ends up forcing him self on the girl (not good, morally or legally).

Wether you want to know if she wants to go out with you, hold your hand, be kissed, or whatever this concept is soooo simple ...

1) You engage her
2a) If she engages you back she is interested
2b) If she does not engage you back then she is NOT interested.

If she doesn't engage you then back the hell off, you are outta luck bud. Either she is not interested in you, doesn't want to do what you want, or you have not done enough background work yet and she is not ready.

For example:

At the end of a date with this lady you feel that you want to kiss her but you do not know if she wants to be kissed. You want to give it a shot but you don't want to get shot down ... you want an easy out if you are jumping the gun. Try this ...

1) Step closer to her. If she steps back then back off dude, she has no intention of planting one on you. If she doesn't step back go to Step 2.

2) Reach your hand up and twiddle her hair. If she pulls back or gives you a strange look then back off dood ... you aint getting none. If she grins, tilts her head, or looks into your eyes with a dreamy look then proceed to Step 3, she is at least interested.

3) Brush your fingers up agains her cheek and look into her eyes. If she draws back her head, gives you a weird look, or disengages you in any way then say good night and get the hell outta dodge cause you aint gettin none. If she is interested she will be anxiously awaiting the next step and you had better plant one on her before the mood leaves.

Really guys, this concept is so simple. Contrary to popular belief, the saying "No means yes" is total bullchit. Learn this and live by it and you will minimize your ego loss and develop a reputation with the ladies that you are respectful.
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Post by Avder »

Meh...just more useless info. I gave up a long time ago and I dont imagine I'll try again anytime soon. Women around my age are too confused and immature yet.
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Post by TheCops »

just pour some friggin' booze down her troat.
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Post by Mobius »

TheCops wrote:just pour some friggin' booze down her troat.
"Guaranteed to prize open the thighs of even the most reluctant chick: and if the contents don't work - use the bottle!" ;)

Nice advice Ice.

Personally though, I'm all for letting a woman seduce you! Just make it real easy for them to do so: the trick is making sure they are comfortable enough and relaxed enough for them to feel confident.

You'd be surprised how effective this is! If it's obvious you are keen to be kissed, and you've done your job well, she'll kiss you.

Plus, the nice thing about having them make the first move is that you KNOW they want to be kissed, and therefore, the chance of being rejected is zero. :)
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Plus, the nice thing about having them make the first move is that you KNOW they want to be kissed, and therefore, the chance of being rejected is zero.
Yes, it's about time THEY do our job in the dating world by making the first move.
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Post by Unix »

Here here.
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Post by Nitrofox125 »

Ice you are a god :D
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Post by TigerRaptor »

Being respectful to women is one thing. Iâ??ve never had that problem at all in any situation. But I can not stand intention getters that expect every guy to flirt with them. I donâ??t play that game and never will.
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Post by ccb056 »

Is it just me or is this just basic common sense? Not much of a revelation here.
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Post by Nitrofox125 »

So here's a girl question... I asked this girl on a date and she says "Well, I don't think I know you well enough yet." Anyway turns out she was getting out of a relationship and didn't want to date anybody else. But now I think she's over it, butI don't want to sound like a broken record and ask her to dinner again, when do I know when she "knows me well enough"?
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Post by TheCops »

personally, i think ice made a well intended post. he sure has his chivalry down pat. the problem is... is that we all don't live in his world, with the women he deals with... and sometimes chivalry gets you NOWHERE.

i don't know about you, but if someone i've known for all of 12-15 hours starts bringing the bible to the table... i'm not gonna run, necessarily... but i will engage her on the subject. (most notably: why do i have to hear christmas music from the end of november til new years day... when jesus was born in april?)

so you see... we go after different types of women.

you would prolly have more luck dealing with your day to day lives and not being a dick... than being mr. proper "kiss now" guy.

i'm 32 years old... former bar giggin' fool... i've met some people in my day... and i think ice is giving advice from his perspective. that may or may not work for you.

i guess what i'm sayin' is that ice's advice is 1 way to get a womanâ?¦ not the end all be all.
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Post by Lobber »

Did you forget anything about initiating a conversation? What about eye contact? What about, how do you meet them in the first place? And how do you know if they want to meet you?
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hey ice, muh brutha. There is another way to tell. When she puts this on you

Image <3
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Post by Iceman »

Stress: Yeah buddy, that would be a good sign. A very good sign :)

Cops : I am not trying to tell anyone how to get a woman. In fact this has nothing to do with getting a woman. It just reflects the sentiments of many ladies I know and am able to talk to on a non-romantic basis.

I would venture to guess that your tastes in women are quite different than mine. I like the classy, romantic, intellectual type. I suppose you like the sexy, fast, easy to nail type. I don't care what kind of woman you are courting, this simple little fact still holds true. If you engage her and she responds favorably she is interested. If she does not respond favorably, she isn't.

For example:

You (Cops) take a girl home from a long date and you stand at her door wanting to [edit]do your thing[/edit] but not knowing if she is ready or not. So ... you decide to engage her so you pull out your [edit]Johnson[/edit] and show it to her. If she shrieks or knees you then it is time to go home. If she squeals with delight or kneels down in front of you then BINGO! She is interested.

Really ... the point is that it is not hard to figure out if a woman is interested because if she is then she will constantly be giving off signals to let you know. If she is not, she will not engage you back.

Nitrofox125: Bro I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you engaged her, she dissed you, she ain't interested. In the doubtful situation that I am wrong here, she will find you and let you know if she becomes ready. Go look elsewhere bud.
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Post by Top Gun »

Not to completely divert a thread, but Cops, Jesus born in April? I mean, I'm well aware that December 25 isn't the exact date of Christ's birth, but out of curiosity, where did you come up with the April date?
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Post by Lothar »

Top Gun, mid-spring is the widely acknowledged most-likely date of birth for Jesus. Christmas was set when it was for political, rather than historical, reasons.


If you ask a girl your theology questions and she engages you, that means she's ready for church
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Why not?

Post by TechPro »

{off topic}
Top Gun, if you were to study the Jewish events surronding his birth, it is clear it wasn't anywhere near December and very likely in April.

I should mention there are some religions that make that distinction, but celebrate his birth at Christmas anyway since it is the act of remembering him that is most important, not so much getting the right day.

{back on topic}
Ice.... Good Luck!
Everyone needs a good relationship. Hope a good one works out for you.
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Post by Wang_Lo »

we still need to cover on the process of asking a lady out.....
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Post by kurupt »

Well, you can tell how big the generation gap is :P
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Post by Drakona »

1) You engage her
2a) If she engages you back she is interested
2b) If she does not engage you back then she is NOT interested.
I'll back you up. That sounds about right.

Though... women being the complicated creatures they are, there may be an exception to that rule every third Tuesday of months with a blue moon. ;)
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Post by Dedman »

Lothar wrote:If you ask a girl your theology questions and she engages you, that means she's ready for church
Given the topic of this thread, that is the funniest thing I have read in a very long time. Thanks Lothar :lol:
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Post by Iceman »

Ditto ... and thanks for the backup Drakona. We needed a woman's perspective here.
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Post by Flabby Chick »

Women rule the world. Men may think they're the first to engage a female, but the female has allready sent out millions of subliminal "come on's" that render the male helpless. The funny thing is the male hasn't a clue whats going on, but he still considers himself the leader in the chatting up stakes.

Women think, strategise, plan, manipulate and hypnotise.
Men drool and have hard willies.
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Post by TheCops »

Iceman wrote:For example:

You (Cops) take a girl home from a long date and you stand at her door wanting to [edit]do your thing[/edit] but not knowing if she is ready or not. So ... you decide to engage her so you pull out your [edit]Johnson[/edit] and show it to her. If she shrieks or knees you then it is time to go home. If she squeals with delight or kneels down in front of you then BINGO! She is interested.
yea man i pull my cock out at the doorstep. wtf?

and that guess you ventured would be wrong... admittedly i have gone through those phases in my life with the fast ones but that's not what i seek. a woman i'm dating now likes to move real slow, and i quite like the pace, because i like her... and she is more cynical than i am so it's like a match.

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Post by WarAdvocat »

Stop being dense meaty :) His basic advice was 100% on the mark.

Essentially, he's saying to read your date, and giving tips to the clueless on how to do so.

I prefer the 'make them seduce me' method myself, but for sheer thrill there's nothing like the chase :)

I never really had problems in this department except when going 2 numbers above my rating, if I was willing to settle for 1 below it was never a problem.
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Post by Iceman »

Wanger is your avatar playing with itself?
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Post by Plebeian »

Iceman wrote:Wanger is your avatar playing with itself?
Shifting the other stick. ;) :lol: (The kid's driving.)
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Post by Tricord »

You guys sound like friggin' automatons on the subject... No more profile than a bunch of if-then statements in process..

Either you are dating over MSN, or else you have access to so much more feedback and communication than these things. Use them. It's about intonation, the eyes, the smile, etc..
Also, in my opinion, if you care for someone, you should ask yourself what she wants rather than what you want. If you do that, you don't even get in any of the situations described by Ice..
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Post by Iceman »

I think you missed something along the way Tricord ...
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Post by WarAdvocat »

Consider the source, LOL
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Post by Dedman »

I have found that when she has her tounge down your throat, it is a good bet that she is interested in you.
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Post by Top Gun »

Hmmm, I wasn't aware of that Lothar/TechPro. Amazing what you can learn on the DBB. :P

Getting back on topic, this advice is all well and good if you are already acquainted with a woman. But what do you do if you're an extreme anti-socialite, such as myself, who has trouble talking to anyone? Prepare for the single life? :P
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Post by TheCops »

Top Gun wrote:Getting back on topic, this advice is all well and good if you are already acquainted with a woman. But what do you do if you're an extreme anti-socialite, such as myself, who has trouble talking to anyone? Prepare for the single life? :P
take a chance, don't be afraid to fail.
bottom feed.
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Post by kurupt »

WarAdvocat wrote:Stop being dense meaty :) His basic advice was 100% on the mark.
i was under the assumption that it was 100% common sense too. guess i was wrong there
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Post by Lobber »

I think Flabbychick is 100% right.

That's why I've been single for over 32 years now.
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Post by Iceman »

I think FlabbyChick is right too ... that's why I have had a hard willy for 43 years now.
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Post by WarAdvocat »

Actually Kurupt... it is 100% common sense...

Only problem is... common sense... isn't common... at least if you're nervous or unfamiliar with one of life's most rewarding games, that is.

MP's first post was basically saying that the advice given doesn't always apply.

Given that the advice Ice stated boils down to "read the signals the woman is giving you morons", wouldn't you tend to disagree? :)
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Post by Gooberman »

Hmmm, my advice would be to avoid the internet for advice on this sort of thing. ;)
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Post by Iceman »

But then again you prefer Pr0n don't ya? :D
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