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Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 5:17 am
by DizzyRox
Diedel all of that is Paint Shop Pro issue, none of that is present in game/in photoshop/in alpha/or in the picture. you only see that because your viewing the texture outside game, which is fine but i cant help what that program does when veiwing files created in another program (I do see your point though this shouldnt be happening,I really wouldnt know why it is though they look perfectly fine in my program).there was never anything rendered out there to start with you know.on another note though,When I assign, RGB color standard profile to it ,haloing lessens, (from no color handling) to what it is now, in fact, but not totally. ill experiment with it more, but there's only a couple selection to choose from.
This is what I get and have always got using black background with only an alpha channel assigned for transparency.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:24 am
by Diedel

please don't get me wrong: I greatly appreciate your work, and all I'm trying to do is to help you to achieve the best possible visual result when using your wonderful textures in D2X-XL. :) I also want to tell you that I am very grateful for your great dedication and continued efforts. It is great to have you with us.

the artifact in image #1 is present in the image; it's only masked by the alpha. PSP masks it too if I enable the mask layer, but point is that the masked area contains color information other than RGB(0,0,0) which can lead to miscolored edges of the visible part of the picture. Therefore you should paint all image areas that are masked with alpha == 0 with black.

Just grab D2X-XL v1.6.172 and watch your E-Shaker in some level (e.g. my level Speed!): You will notice white edges around it.

The artifact in the door is visible in-game, because it is not masked with alpha == 0. Just load D2:CS Lvl 1, fly straight forward until you reach the door, shoot it, and watch the lower left area: Where I have marked the artifact, the bottom texture will get visible when the door is fully open.

I bet you don't see the artifacts because your program applies the alpha when displaying the image. I can have PSP disregard the alpha layer when displaying the image, and if I do, I see these artifacts. I couldn't see them if they weren't contained in the image.

Physically, each color pixel of a 32 bit RGBA images has 4 bytes, one each for red, green, blue and alpha. Now if alpha == 0, you won't see the pixel regardless of the RGB values, but they are still there. So if you disable the alpha byte, you will see the color of the pixel. That's what happens when I see these artifacts.

D2X-XL v1.6.173 changes the RGB value of image pixels with alpha == 0 to (0,0,0), removing the white edges along transparent area boundaries.

Your picture shows black background w/o alpha applied. What I mean is use both the alpha mask, and color the area of the image that gets masked away black. I didn't say just use black background w/o alpha.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:39 am
by Aus-RED-5
WOW! V .173 makes the powerups look flawless.

So much that they almost seem like real models and not 2d images!

Awsome work Dizzy on the powerups, and awsome work on D2X-XL Diedel!

You both rock! ;)

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:40 am
by Diedel
You rock too, Aus. It's good to have you with us, too. ;)

Yeah, the missiles are friggin' nice. :D

Actually, Dizzy doesn't even need to change his images with the little extra image processing D2X-XL does now. Yeah, better let him crank out more new textures! :D

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:07 am
by d3jake
d3jake wrote:Is there anyway you could dirty them up a bit? I think that they'd be like the dorrs...they are floating in a mine, so they're not always gunna be squeaky clean..maybe if a robot just dropped them it would be, but then again, you never know what's really inside them bots...
Was this just tossed adise or are you really busy right now?

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:15 am
by Diedel
As far as the missiles go, I like their shiny look. Polished weapons inside scarred walls ... :mrgreen:

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:49 pm
by Aus-RED-5
d3jake wrote:
d3jake wrote:Is there anyway you could dirty them up a bit? I think that they'd be like the dorrs...they are floating in a mine, so they're not always gunna be squeaky clean..maybe if a robot just dropped them it would be, but then again, you never know what's really inside them bots...
Was this just tossed adise or are you really busy right now?
There is no need to be like that.
He does this for free and it is alot of work and takes time to make.
If you can't wait or be nice about it. Then I would say to you, "Go do it yourself". :roll:

But thats up to Dizzy to say to you.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:50 pm
by DizzyRox
Hey whatsup fellas..
As Diedel would say , FIXED!! 8)
and Back in Black

Diedel , Ive been freaking out about this deal abit, cause Im like "Dude I know how to create a alpha channel" and I know you know whatsup in the technical/graphical dept for darn sure... ,so I did some digging and apparently I needed patched/I did and Now Im gold ,,WOOT!!!
check this out PS7 apparently doesnt like alpha and Targa in the same sentence :they further jus have a patch addressing this prob.. ... show=64953
LOL, Im sure you were prolly ready to strangle me..sorry bout this, at least it shouldnt be a further issue.thank goodness.. :) I tried to do this with the fan i.e..DCrazys request , but it didnt seem to help the middle section.
Dude thanks for your patience
Diedel wrote:You rock too, Aus. It's good to have you with us, too.
Ill second that definatly, thanks Aus 8)
d3jake wrote:Was this just tossed adise or are you really busy right now?
naw, d3jake actually i thought heavily about this. My thoughts
have been, Its quite a debate about the realities and non realities to it low grav or not ?
We see hostages standing on the ground and we have a fan that says its not low grav..but we have powerups that appear to be low grav with no booster help to keep them aloft..So if you are on the low grav side of the fence there prolly would be little to no debris on the missles themselves.On the other hand if your on the gravity side of the fence with the game, then its plausable that there maybe dirt/dust or whatever on it,,BUT maybe not considering the constant movement versus the smooth radius.Which would bring the debate that the fan shouldve had a bunch of dust bunnys on the forward side of the blades and/or maybe the dirt should be weapon char marks etc....The thing is that this is all a pretty good debate as I see it and not one I really wanna get into, so I decided that being at least fairly true to the original model will hopefully please more people and my own sense of what I kinda feel Descent devs had in mind.Other than that I jus wanna keep a progressing motion in these textures so It will actually be finished at some point some day. I really do wanna put some time into Core Descision as well 8)

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 2:35 am
by Diedel

just look at it this way: It's not about low grav or not, but about looks that help you immerge into the game ... ;)

So whatever you feel helps with this put into your textures.

Descent 1/2 take place in some rather dirty, dark atmosphere, with inventory showing signs of heavy use. But imho a weapon is another story. As I said: I like their clean, shiny looks.
DizzyRox wrote:Diedel , Ive been freaking out about this deal abit, cause Im like "Dude I know how to create a alpha channel" and I know you know whatsup in the technical/graphical dept for darn sure... ,so I did some digging and apparently I needed patched/I did and Now Im gold ,,WOOT!!!
:lol: I have been like that when it came to people trying to tell me things about D2X-XL, but I have learned to investigate issues thoroughly to make sure they weren't indeed up to something. ;)


d3jake was just asking. ;)

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 8:02 pm
by d3jake
DizzyRox wrote:<what DIzzy said in reply to my question>
I see your point. I suppose unless you would be willing to create a "dirty set" for those who would think the missles would become dirty... But since that's extra work, it's all up to you.

Either way, keep up the good work!!

BTW< I've noticed that the force field textures seem to have their "open area" to have closed a bit... I fire quad laser between the laser beams (the widest ones) and two of the bolts get deflected.....
WOuld a demo help out..?

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:33 pm
by DizzyRox
yeah d3jake, I could do that at point later, lemme cover somemore ground and learn abit more, and Ill work some up, as Diedel said ,well said ,I might add, \"if it helps one to immerge in the game\" cause I definatly see your point... 8)

On the force field thang,I see what you mean,, (curious,Is this a headsup for future?) cuz I havent created a Force Field texture yet.

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 7:10 pm
by d3jake
O.o Time to make a Bug report methinks....

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 3:56 am
by DizzyRox
Here's some stuff to check out for the weekend 8)


(sorry bout the lame screenshots)

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 4:01 am
by simX
Oooooooh, pretty! Only comment is that I think the smart missile needs to be a bit smaller. Right now it's on par in size with the mega/earthshakers, when it shouldn't be, I don't think.

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 5:56 am
by Aus-RED-5
They look right to me. :wink:


Must be you simX. :P

Nice work Dizzy! :D

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 8:28 am
by Diedel
OMG, more missiles! :mrgreen: Drool!

Thanks a lot, Dizzy. :D

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 11:10 am
by Testiculese
The ES and Mega look great, but the Smart's wings are a tad loooooong. :)

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 11:15 am
by Diedel
Hires texture download reorganized

The hires download section on has been reorganized and now offers all available hires textures, not specifically sorted by author any more, but by texture theme. The complete download currently is about 66 MB, packed in rar files.

Find the links on the downloads page of

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 11:15 am
by Aus-RED-5
I think it looks better that way. :P

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 12:33 pm
by d3jake
Testiculese wrote:The ES and Mega look great, but the Smart's wings are a tad loooooong. :)
I agree, along with that the ES and Mega aren't colored brightly enough....but then again I might take a shot at changing that for myself :)

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 10:57 pm
by DizzyRox
Heya fellas
Thanks for the input
Models would definatly be cool, maybe someday 8)
on another note,
Ill get those smart wings drawn in abit, I do like them longer than original (it was intentional) but seeing them next to each other, they could come in abit..
I was readying the 4racks of guided and homing yesterday and noticed I misinterpreted how many wings were on them,(I put 3 instead of 4) and in the 4rack they dont fit well, :x :cry: So ,Ill hopefully have the 2 racks and singles ready next weekend or so.
In the mean time
Here's a set of keys to tryout 8)


Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 11:53 pm
by simX
Oh. Man. Wow, Dizzy, you seriously can churn out these textures! Nice work!

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 3:24 am
by Diedel
mmmmmm - more texture leetness. :D

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 5:24 am
by Aus-RED-5
DizzyRox wrote:I'll get those smart wings drawn in abit, I do like them longer than original (it was intentional) but seeing them next to each other, they could come in abit..
Nahhh.. I like them the way they are.

You can change them, but I won't d/l'em! :P

hehe :lol:

Love ya work Dizzy! ;)

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 5:44 am
by Sirius
Have to say, I'm not a big fan of the switch in one of those pictures though. Looks like it's made of plastic, and the light is far too hard.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 5:47 am
by Diedel

could you give the keys a little more thickness, and maybe have some printed circuits shine through the larger key surfaces?

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 4:22 pm
by DizzyRox
simX wrote:Oh. Man. Wow, Dizzy, you seriously can churn out these textures! Nice work!
Thanks man, its kinda funny story with that.(the churning part, lol) A few years back after my sidewinder 3dpro shot the crap, and I couldnt seem to find a stick with the button under the hat (for secondarys)
I saw the ol thrustmaster,stick with CH throttle and thought wow that would be cool as hell. Ive always wanted to be a good descent player and was kinda willin to get whatever controller would help in 6DOF(although I realize Descent is prolly more savvy than controller) So I waited on a list at and/or for a Thrustmaster Cougar, thinking this would be THE pperfect Descent rig,,OH YES!!! :) cost my arse 3 bones for that stick and its the bomb BUT,its far to stiff and weighty for Descent,, ARGGGG!!!! so I jus use it for Falcon4 and Il2 Sturmavik etc.. I know your thinkin what the hell does this have to do with textures..Well there's a few really long winded tasks that are needed for these ani textures.So With the Foxy software for my Cougar I created macros for them, so once I line everthing up on the screen ,I pull the trigger of my joystick and watch the macro show..hehe I suppose I can do the same thing with PS Actions, but I know my joystick better, when its done I jus line some stuff up and save....Thank you Dr. James Hallows :) hehe
Aus-RED-5 wrote:Nahhh.. I like them the way they are.

You can change them, but I won't d/l'em!

LOL, Sounds good man and Thanks :)
Sirius wrote:Have to say, I'm not a big fan of the switch in one of those pictures though. Looks like it's made of plastic, and the light is far too hard.
Yeah, Im not sure if when Novacron released the last set of textures, if they were all complete, seems like some were still W.I.P.S.If he doesnt come back to the Relived project anytime soon Ill try to cut another so they all have some continuity.
Diedel wrote:Dizzy,

could you give the keys a little more thickness, and maybe have some printed circuits shine through the larger key surfaces?
You bet man,I had that thought as well,
At the moment the only thing is Im having this nasty prob of not being able to put a pic with transparency on a model, the transparency part just comes out black on the model :( I need to get past this big time.
Oh and hey on that note, Im working that shield orb to man.. My first attempt was a failure though, and now looks VERY close to the extra life PU (which is a pretty cool failure) 8) ,,so I slapped the render of the pyro on a plane surface went blue to green and put it in there,, and it looks very cool on black, but then you can see the square around the pyro in transparency.. sigh
back to the drawing board :)

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 11:14 am
by DizzyRox
Hey Diedel
Bumping textures sounds great
I didnt wanna breakup that other thread so I posted here.
How would you want me to proceed with bumping some textures, Shoot a few to you when finished?
Also, do you want the bumps in the same file guidlines i.e...tga x 512x512, and will there be a specific way they need to be named? Jus let me know ,Ill try it out

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:14 pm
by Diedel
Yeah, name them like the standard d2 textures, but add '-bmp' (e.g. 'water01#0-bmp.tga'), ok? :)

Btw, could you do me a hires hoard orb, and also do it in red? If you don't know what that is I think I can give you the bitmaps.

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 3:41 pm
by DizzyRox
ok got it..
I never really played hoard but once I think ,wasnt it like light green? Bitmaps would be cool..Ive been working this ball for abit off an on messin round, is it at all close?

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 5:12 pm
by Diedel
I will send you the orb in red as multi-frame TGA image.

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 2:40 am
by novacron
DizzyRox wrote:Heya fellas
Thanks for the input
Models would definatly be cool, maybe someday 8)
on another note,
Ill get those smart wings drawn in abit, I do like them longer than original (it was intentional) but seeing them next to each other, they could come in abit..
I was readying the 4racks of guided and homing yesterday and noticed I misinterpreted how many wings were on them,(I put 3 instead of 4) and in the 4rack they dont fit well, :x :cry: So ,Ill hopefully have the 2 racks and singles ready next weekend or so.
In the mean time
Here's a set of keys to tryout 8)

..I feel like I can grab them.. :D

Great work man keep it up!

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 10:12 pm
by Aus-RED-5
DizzyRox wrote:ok got it..
I never really played hoard but once I think ,wasnt it like light green? Bitmaps would be cool..Ive been working this ball for abit off an on messin round, is it at all close?
Is this for d/l yet?

I don't like the ugly stretched green orb we have right now for MB. :P

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 10:34 pm
by Testiculese
I like that for a hoard orb. Is it possible to make it glow (aurora or something) in d2? I see it being too dark to see in some levels.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 1:10 am
by DizzyRox
Novacron wrote:..I feel like I can grab them..

Great work man keep it up!
Thanks Nova, and man love your last pack,those doors are awesome man..

Aus /Test that orb was to start with was supposed to be the shield remake, that kinda blundered,lol into this

but its jus a jpg on a plane and alass looks like arse, as the pyro goes (wish I could get the model itself in there) :roll:
Diedel has sent me one to work with ,Im gonna give it a go..

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 1:40 am
by Diedel
Aus-RED-5 wrote:I don't like the ugly stretched green orb we have right now for MB. :P
You could at least use the ugly stretched red orb I have made for MB. :P

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 1:52 am
by Aus-RED-5
Diedel wrote:
Aus-RED-5 wrote:I don't like the ugly stretched green orb we have right now for MB. :P
You could at least use the ugly stretched red orb I have made for MB. :P
Oh nowwwwww you tell us. :roll: :P

In your update thread you might want to link it so some of us know about it. ;)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:42 am
by Diedel
Being able to read is always an advantage. :P

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 3:00 am
by Duper
Very nice Dizzy. Blunder? wel when you look back on the other games, all the powerups were orbs; minus of course the energy.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 3:07 am
by Diedel

did you mean the Extralife powerup?