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Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 3:14 am
by Aus-RED-5
Aus-RED-5 wrote:
Pumo wrote:Anyway, i've just registered and sent my vote! :)
Just registered?

I've signed up yesterday and haven't received activation e-mail. So today I've tried resending for activation and still nothing! :evil:
I even tried signing up under a different user name and e-mail. Same thing. :?

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 4:57 am
by Ferno
I'm pretty sure that without a developer, D4 can't happen.

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 5:38 am
by Ryujin
Put my vote in anyway. If they go and make an Earthworm Jim over Descent I'll be pissed! :lol:

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 5:38 pm
by AlphaDoG
Earthworm Jim is fish bait and that's it!

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 6:34 pm
by Sirius
I love all the \"us and them\" still present in this community. It reminds me of how much we forgot to grow up. :)

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 7:12 pm
by Bet51987
It won't let me register. All I get is the agreement screen where I accept the terms but it just keeps coming right back to the same I agree page. I give up...


Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 7:56 pm
by Spidey


Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:26 pm
by Bet51987
Spidey wrote:Cookies?
Tried that; didn't work with my laptop running Vista.

Got it to work using my desktop running XP.. :) I voted.



Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:43 pm
by Top Wop
Spidey wrote:Cookies?
Chocolate chip is fine, thanks. Would you also bring a glass of milk?


Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:56 pm
by Pumo
Top Wop wrote:
Spidey wrote:Cookies?
Chocolate chip is fine, thanks. Would you also bring a glass of milk?
LOL!! :lol:

Sorry for feeding the off-topic, but this comment from Top Wop is gorgeous and hilarous!! ROFLMAO!! :lol: :lol:
Top Wop: You made me happy. :)

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 4:43 am
by Jesus Freak
I personally think anyone who wants a D4 and hasn't tried out D1/2 doesn't want it bad enough... especially now that I can get D1 and D2 to work on more systems than D3.

I voted and posted on the forum to show my support for Descent. Now I just need to register with my other 200 email addresses to give Descent a boost! :P

You think I'm kidding?

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 5:02 am
by AlphaDoG

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:08 am
by DarkShadow
Well now it won't let me stay logged in I tried deleting the cookies a few times while trying to get it to work. I log in it says welcome DarkShadow at the top left then goes back to the main screen where I can vote but I am not logged in when it takes me there or if I click on any other links.:(

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:37 am
by Foil
I was having the same issues yesterday.

I found that I had to delete cookies, and then restart my browser to get it to work. Odd.


With that said, let's get a few more of you guys in there! The Fallout fanboys are apparently outnumbering us 3-1, but I think we can show our passion for this experience we call Descent by swarming their forums.

(I'm still somewhat skeptical that they will make the expenditure to develop a new Descent title... but it's worth a shot.)

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 8:29 am
by VonVulcan
Registered (no problem) and voted though even if Descent won the poll I am skeptical...


Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 9:09 am
by TIGERassault
zico wrote:Yes, that is a point... maybe they smell money since they know there are chances again to play the games on modern PCs...
For me it's a VERY disappointing action...
Making money with a product far older than 10 years ...
Look at it like this: which would you prefer, that Descent 1 and 2 are still on sale, or that they just weren't made at all anymore?
Anyway, saying that you're dissapointed that a company isn't giving stuff away for free is a bit... much.


Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 10:20 am
by zico
TIGERassault wrote:
zico wrote:Yes, that is a point... maybe they smell money since they know there are chances again to play the games on modern PCs...
For me it's a VERY disappointing action...
Making money with a product far older than 10 years ...
Look at it like this: which would you prefer, that Descent 1 and 2 are still on sale, or that they just weren't made at all anymore?
Anyway, saying that you're dissapointed that a company isn't giving stuff away for free is a bit... much.
It's alive for all these years without Interplay and GOG selling it. And what *I* would like to see is it FREE. That is what we would deserve - because WE kept it alive - not Interplay.


Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 1:20 pm
by Kyouryuu
TIGERassault wrote: Look at it like this: which would you prefer, that Descent 1 and 2 are still on sale, or that they just weren't made at all anymore?
Anyway, saying that you're dissapointed that a company isn't giving stuff away for free is a bit... much.
A bit much?

The game is over ten years old. Unless Interplay has some grand plan to port it to every gaming system under the sun, it should be free. Not only that, but if it wasn't for Zico and even Diedel, the thing wouldn't even run on modern PCs.

So yes, it is goofy that Interplay would still charge for the game instead of releasing it into the wild and allowing people to freely experience it. People aren't going to go out and buy it anymore. You're only hurting the larger install base you could potentially have by sitting on it.

EA released the first two Command and Conquer games for free. Why? Because they've made their profit and don't do anything useful sitting in a back closet. In fact, the real purpose was likely to people excited about Red Alert 3. You don't do any harm by getting yourself into the gaming blogs for a day or two and letting people reminiscence about how great your game was. That's how you generate buzz for your future prospects in this day and age.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 3:07 pm
by zico
Thanks Kyouryuu - you are exactly expressing my feelings.

If anyone, the thanks shoudl really go to:
Sekmu for making D1X out of the D1 code
Bradley Bell for making D2X out of the D2 code

They made the first steps. DXX would never have been possible without their work.

Also: the COMMUNITY - YOU GUYS - kept that game really alive - for a longer timespan of a today's game... that means something to me.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 10:23 pm
by Spidey
I don’t really have an opinion on whether a company should sell its product for profit or give it away, but if Interplay is selling D1 & D2 etc to help build its bottom line in an effort to produce more games, I would think that you guys should be ok with that.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 10:56 pm
by Duper
Spidey, normally I would agree with you, but Kyo has one very good point. As they are, D1 and D2 won't work on modern systems. If they were modded so they will work, then sure, the games would actually be worth something.

As it is, I haven't d/l'd them from any of the new venues so I couldn't give an accurate answer as to whether or not this has been done.


If it has, why don't we all go buy a couple of copies? they don't cost that much and if it has a chance at advancing our own motives :twisted: (muwahahahah) :twisted: then why not?

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 1:07 am
by []V[]essenjah
Now.... if they would port them to the 360... that would be worth something. I'd pay some money out for that. Especially D2.


Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 1:25 am
by QuestionableChaos
[]V[]essenjah wrote:Now.... if they would port them to the 360... that would be worth something. I'd pay some money out for that. Especially D2.

on a different yet similar note:
- i know it would be difficult to the point of being moot to implement, but imagine playing D2 using a tilt-sensitive controller such as the PS3 controller or the wiimote - would allow be either amazing, frustrating, or both :P

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 2:03 am
by Sirius
Using controllers like that with a PC has been done before, I think... you might even be able to do that already.


Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 4:03 am
by AlphaDoG
Duper wrote:Spidey, normally I would agree with you, but Kyo has one very good point. As they are, D1 and D2 won't work on modern systems. If they were modded so they will work, then sure, the games would actually be worth something.

As it is, I haven't d/l'd them from any of the new venues so I couldn't give an accurate answer as to whether or not this has been done.


If it has, why don't we all go buy a couple of copies? they don't cost that much and if it has a chance at advancing our own motives :twisted: (muwahahahah) :twisted: then why not?

I'll be downloading a copy of each Descent and Redneck Rampage series from GoG this week. I'm more concered with the Redneck Rampage series working as I can already play the Descent(s) on my XP box.

I'll get back to you with a review soon.


Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 4:50 am
by Aus-RED-5
QuestionableChaos wrote:.........imagine playing D2 using a tilt-sensitive controller such as the PS3 controller or the wiimote - would allow be either amazing, frustrating, or both :P
Descent series - Wii remote <--- Not so good with the Wii remote.

Descent 3 - Wii remote <--- Way better control with the Wii remote.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:36 am
by CDN_Merlin
I've played D1x and D2x on my XP system without issues. D3 still plays well.

There are many people playing D1/2 on kali to this day and more are coming back.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 1:09 pm
by Duper
Merlin, I'm wondering about the d/l from Game Tap. Most folks that run across it there will have no clue that the xx or XL versions exist.

And that's the point earlier. Why charge for something that doesn't work?? Nostalgia? 6 bucks? naw. But then there's the thought of priorities! :lol:

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 6:23 pm
by Aggressor Prime
I've started a series of posts for suggestions to how Descent IV should look like (so Interplay knows what will make D4 win the hearts of millions). The first of these is a proposal on the story line. After we have gathered enough proposals, we will vote on the best story. Make sure you visit the first of these D4 Meeting posts, read the stories posted (mine so far), comment, or make your own: ... f=42&t=188

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:57 pm
by Warlock
untill i see in Big letters on interplays offical page that says Descent 4 and with a few pix then ill bleave it.

on the WII remote vids that looks neet but yeah try useing that online and ull get woop so quick lol

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 5:24 pm
by Duper
I'll one-up ya Warlock.

I won't believe it until i see a PC gaming box of Descent4 (with game included in the box of course) in the store with a price tag on it.


and NOT this \"Vista Only\" bull-★■◆●

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:48 pm
by Jesus Freak
I'm not holding my breath.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:55 pm
by Gekko71
Don't write off Interplay just yet people. From a funding point of view, if Fallout 3 is as popular as the early reviews believe it will be, then Interplay (having licensing rights for an MMO) are sitting much prettier than they have been in years.

If Fallout takes off, then Interplay will *definitely* get funding for their MMO. That makes Interplay an ongoing concern. Given the strength of its other gaming IP (AND the fact that they are in development / pre-production for EWJ entertainment spin-offs) Interplay's future hasn't looked so bright in a decade.

As for the copyright issues, IIRC they have the undisputed *sequel* rights for the Descent series. Unless there's a twilight / non-performance clause in that contract, they can legaly make D4 as sequel rights typically includes the rights to all the IP within the original.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:59 pm
by Duper
Oh, I'm not Gekko. Although I expect a Descent title no sooner than 5 years.

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 4:39 am
by Sirius
Hmm, Vista only? You know, I half suspect another two versions of Windows will be out first...

Though maybe one is more realistic.


Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 9:08 am
by Gekko71
Duper wrote:Oh, I'm not Gekko. Although I expect a Descent title no sooner than 5 years.
That timeline is probably pretty accurate Duper - (which means I've got 5 years to get my multiplayer skills back up to scratch...) where'd I put that Joystick? :lol:

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 6:22 pm
by Warlock
The fallout thing confuses me a bit cause didn't they seel off the name? Cause last time I check there's a fall out game coming out soon for the PC 360 and PS3 did they get the rights back?

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 7:19 pm
by Gekko71
The IP rights for the Fallout franchise were sold to Bethesda a while ago for over $1 million. This removed a lot of debt that Interplay had hanging over their heads. At the same time, Interplay licensed the rights to produce an MMO version of Fallout back from Bethesda.

The version coming out soon is Bethesda's version. If it is a commercial success (which looks likely) then Interplay should be able to get additional funding, thanks to their license to produce an MMO Fallout sequel.


Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 9:00 pm
by Kyouryuu
Gekko71 wrote:If Fallout takes off, then Interplay will *definitely* get funding for their MMO. That makes Interplay an ongoing concern.
But there are so many MMOs. Every week, you hear of another one failing.

It's exactly like the industry's obsession with open-world games. There's room enough for one, Grand Theft Auto, maybe two. Anything more than that and it falls on deaf ears. We already have so many MMOs that I don't understand why developers and publishers alike are so interested in them. What, because World of Warcraft does well? It doesn't take a marketing wizard to understand that WoW is the exception, not the rule.


Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 7:52 am
by TIGERassault
Actually, MMOs are still one of the most profitable genres to make games for. That's why all those Korean ones are still alive.
Duper wrote:and NOT this "Vista Only" bull-*****
You know well that there's a good chance of it being Vista/Windows7 only! By the time Interplay were to finish it, XP would be long gone.