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Video and/or Computer games you want!

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 9:31 pm
by Sapphire Wolf
Write down all of the videogames you want at the time, in order of greatest to least greatest. Then you rate the list above you. Post when you find out about new games you want, or priorites change( BTW, systems and other hardware for video-games count, like controllers and stuff).

Here's mine:
1. Nintendo Wii
2. Super Smash Bros. Brawl(for the Wii)
3. Metroid Prime 3(for the Wii)
4. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess(for either Gamecube or the Wii)
6. War World(for the PC) Note: this is one of the new Mech/Mecha games.
6. Mario Kard DS(for the Nintendo DS, as usual)
7. PSP
8. Core Decision(for the PC)

That's all I can think of.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 9:34 pm
by Sirius

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 9:41 pm
by De Rigueur
Sirius, your parsimony is inspiring.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 10:09 pm
by Duper
Halo 2 & 3 for PC
Ghost Recon (the new one)
Battle of Britian (slated for 1st quarter 07)

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 10:51 pm
by DarkShadow
Guild Wars Nightfall, when it comes out.

All I can think of right now.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 11:11 pm
by Battlebot
nintendo wii
red steel (wii)
halo 2 for pc
unreal tournament 2007
legal copy of descent 3
mahjong deluxe 2006

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 12:01 am
by Vindicator
Guitar Hero 2

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 2:24 am
by []V[]essenjah
Halo 3
Core Decision
That other RPG.... forgot the name. The one about a nuclear explosion. I think THQ is making it but it has been so freaking long since I have seen anything from it. :P Supposedly it should have allready been out by now.

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:39 am
by roid
a week ago i wanted to play starcraft
so i downloaded it
and the world continues to turn*
this is not a haiku
althougth it may look like it


Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 5:15 am
by CDN_Merlin
1. GTR Racing 2
2. UT 2007
3. NVN 2
4. BF2142
5. Test Drive Unlimited
6. Supreme Commander
7. Crysis
8. Core Decision

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 5:18 am
by JMEaT
MGS4 (If only I had 1 million dollars to buy the PS3) :(
WoW, Burning Crusade

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 5:38 am
by TIGERassault

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:05 am
by Isaac
TIGERassault wrote:UT2007
Lol! Perfect!

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 12:21 pm
by Floyd
what Sirius posted.

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 12:37 pm
by Duper
oh yeah, what Merlin said

NWN2 due to go gold soon! :D

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 1:13 pm
by Top Wop
Supreme Commander.
Core Decision.

I also want to play games that will never be made, in particular Kotor 3, Thief 4, Mechwarrior 5, or even a decent Deus Ex clone. Innovation has gone out the window when the only notworthy innovation is when you can flip upside down in a god-damn FPS. :roll:

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 5:26 pm
by CDN_Merlin
forgot Flatout 2

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:33 am
by []V[]essenjah
Top Wop wrote:Supreme Commander.
Core Decision.

I also want to play games that will never be made, in particular Kotor 3, Thief 4, Mechwarrior 5, or even a decent Deus Ex clone. Innovation has gone out the window when the only notworthy innovation is when you can flip upside down in a god-damn FPS. :roll:

Funny, seems I recall you and I thinking some FPS we used to play together was revolutionary because you could fly upside down? Think it started with a D..... can't remember the name.... ;)

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 4:03 am
by Jeff250
The next Super Smash Bro's game.
The next Soul Calibur game.
The next Guitar Hero game.
Minesweeper 2: More mines, plus the number 9.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 6:57 am
by Sirius
Actually, reading this, there are a few games I intend to at least look into if not buy outright. Can't say I'm that impatient right now though.

1. NWN2 (hopefully it'll be decent)
2. GW Nightfall (time will tell though - Factions wasn't that great)
3. UT2k7 (mainly for potential. I care a fair bit more about mods than the base game)
4. Core Decision (should be worthwhile if it happens)

Haven't the faintest what plans are for any MW series continuation, and it looks like FASA Studio are busy with a Shadowrun RPG - which the hard-core fans apparently hate because they changed too much - for the meanwhile, so it'll likely be another year or so before they try their next project.

Seen Oblivion and played it a bit recently. It's not bad, at least in some areas - but unfortunately they didn't use the technology they had as well as they could have. Compared with Guild Wars, which had great texturing and pretty decent engine capabilities, Oblivion seems to have taken a more minimalist approach to the artwork and just thrown shaders at it like crazy. A lot of stuff works well, and the cities and open areas are more impressive than Guild Wars - but sadly the character detail and animation is flat out worse, and there isn't anything to justify the fact that it basically won't run on anything less than a relatively recent machine (P4 3 GHz/GF 6xxx series or better). My brother, who is running a Celeron 1700 and GF FX5200, was getting about 2-3 FPS in Oblivion, compared to perfectly playable in GW (at least 40). Oblivion was on bare minimum detail, versus GW on almost full.

Other than that, the gameplay at least is kind of different. The world reminds me very much of Zelda 64 - except, yes, prettier by a fair way - and the combat style is a throwback to games of old such as Hexen and Amulets of Armor (for those that recognise either). Incidentally it allows both first- and third-person view, and allows a near-ridiculous level of customisation of the character - to the point of having dozens of variables to define face shape (unfortunately it's still difficult to get them away from \"kind of ugly\").

Ergo, gameplay original and fairly interesting... but the graphics engine wasn't really worth it.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 7:06 am
by TIGERassault
I just found out today about Micro Machines V4. I woulda added it to the list, except I found out about it in my local games store with €30 in my posket.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 10:41 am
by Top Wop
[]V[]essenjah wrote:Funny, seems I recall you and I thinking some FPS we used to play together was revolutionary because you could fly upside down? Think it started with a D..... can't remember the name.... ;)
Messenger, have a look at the market right now. How many Descent-like games do you see out there? Now compare that to the number of Quake-like games. I rest my case.

X2 what Sirius said, I lost interest in Oblivion because it didnt have that "glue" that Morrowind had, and on top of that I got tired of tweaking my system so I could get decent frame rates. They could just have easily spent some time to create a separate set of shaders or tone it down a bit like what some are doing here so that people on older hardware or those who want high FPS could play it, but alas they didn't care.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 12:12 pm
by Grendel
I'm set :)

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:10 pm
by Xamindar

Finally someone thinks of an original idea. I'll have to get this game.

Other than that: Core Decision if it ever comes out. :)

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:27 pm
by Dakatsu
PC Games:
1: Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
2: Unreal Tournament 2007
3: Core Descision
4: Halo 2
5: Halo 3

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 4:42 pm
by Xamindar
I wonder why Core Decision wasn't at E3? Words from Koolbear a while ago suggest that it is at least at an \"E3 demo video\" stage. Wouldn't they want to promote it as much as possible? Or is it really expensive to register in E3?

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 7:52 pm
by Sirius
It probably is significantly expensive.

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 2:25 am
by Kyouryuu
- Guitar Hero 2
(PS2 - Because the first one was so much fun)

- Mega Man ZX (DS - A hybrid with Mega Man gameplay in a Castlevania \"open world\" format)

- Prey (PC - Technically, it's on the way. Not since Descent has a game been so delightfully insane about gravity)

- Shadow of the Colossus (PS2 - The largest bosses of any game I've seen. Waiting for this to hit the $20 Greatest Hits line-up)

- Quake 4 (PC - Impulse... it's $20 now and it includes Quake 2)

- Half-Life 2: Episode 2 (PC - But I wish they'd fix the crashes with Episode 1 :roll: )

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:59 pm
by Tyranny
Kyouryuu wrote: - Shadow of the Colossus (PS2 - The largest bosses of any game I've seen. Waiting for this to hit the $20 Greatest Hits line-up)
It's a good game. The Colossi are the only creatures you face in it, but you get 18 of them and the scale and detail is simply great. Probably one of the better games I've beaten in the last few months.

Games I'd like to get would probably be...
Half-Life2 and expansions: Simply because I haven't played it yet, hadn't had the PC for it.

Perhaps GuildWars & Expansion...not sure if I want to get involved in an MMORPG, but its free so...yay :P

Probably be a few more eventually :)

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:41 am
by Sirius
Tyranny - the original game of Guild Wars, most people agree, is better than Factions. (Nightfall is coming out at some point, but obviously no word on quality yet. After next weekend when they run a beta there may be though.)

Thus, if you plan to get any of it, make it the original. Factions isn't TOO bad, but it's not the first one to buy.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:55 pm
by Stupid
1. Xenosaga Episode III: Also Spracht Zarathustra (Thus Spoke Zarathustra)--End of the series (until maybe PS3 or PSP)
2. Final Fantasy XII (^^Ep. 3 will be out before FFXII supposedly, when FFXII was (at one time) supposed to come out on the same day as XS Ep. 2, heh heh))
3. Rogue Galaxy (new Factor (or is it Level) 5 game (same company that did Dragon Quest VIII.)
4. Valkyrie (SP?) Profile: Lenneth (PSP)
5. Depending on whether or not I like Lenneth, the new Valkyrie Profile game for the PS2 (Sylmeria?)

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:21 pm
by Zero!


Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 12:18 am
by roid
lol Zero

some webcomic artist made this 3 panel Zelda:heroin comic that soo reminds me of your post.
- A guy in an alleyway with a syringe in his arm, the camera zooms in and you see that suspended in the clear liquid in the syringe are these these barely macroscopic little Links striking various poses. :lol:

it could have been VG cats, i dunno.
[edit: nope, damnit where was it?!]

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 8:44 pm
by Glowhyena
I want Nintendo DS Lite and Pokemon Diamond Version
Medal of Honor: Airborne for PC
Castle Wolfenstein for PC
More WWII FPS and Pokemon Role-Playing for GameCube.
But I don't GameCube system

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:14 am
by Burlyman
De Rigueur wrote:Sirius, your parsimony is inspiring.
Yes, I didn't even know that it was possible to make a blank post. ^_~

All I want right now is Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. Runs great on this system. ^_^ I don't think that the Nintendo Wii and Metroid Prime 3 etc. count because they haven't been released yet, so I'm not going to list them.

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:37 am
by DarkFlameWolf
Only two games have my interest right now for purchase once I finish BOT training:
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (for Gamecube)
Prey (for PC)

That's about it. I would try Quake 4, but it seems like it would be more of the same old stuff from Doom 3, just more frentic and more wide-open spaces. Where Prey really looks like its updated and revamped the FPS gameplay.

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 12:31 pm
by Sapphire Wolf
I frogot more:
Robotech: The Macross Saga(for GBA)
That one Fire Emblem game for GameCube
Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap(GBA)
StarFox Command(Nintendo DS){When it comes out}

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 12:57 pm
by CDN_Merlin
Knock off Flatout 2 as I'm buying it tomorrow.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 11:42 am
by Burlyman
DarkFlameWolf wrote:That's about it. I would try Quake 4, but it seems like it would be more of the same old stuff from Doom 3, just more frentic and more wide-open spaces. Where Prey really looks like its updated and revamped the FPS gameplay.
Plus the weapons in Quake IV aren't really any good.