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Do you have a Myspace?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 11:10 pm
by Space-Invader Klein
I have created a Group on Myspace to see if any potential Descenters will come across it and join our D3 community. If you have a myspace, and would care to join, the address is
If you don't have a myspace, others (like:Boogie/Delia/Admiral Hurricane) have myspace accounts for their Pilots, its a cool idea. I have a personal account if you wanna see my mug , but my other account is a music account:, you should befriend Klein ^-^d Its day/night 1 and i think this Myspace group has surpassed the other 2: PTMC group and the DescentIII group. I think their dead, so lets make a fresh one!

Re: Do you have a Myspace?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 11:43 pm
by Dakatsu
Space-Invader Klein wrote:I have created a Group on Myspace to see if any potential Descenters will come across it and join our D3 community. If you have a myspace, and would care to join, the address is
Myspace? You have just discraced the Descent name! :P

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:17 am
by Sirius
As far as I'm concerned, Myspace is for people that haven't figured out how to make real websites. No offence, it's just why I don't use it.

Re: Do you have a Myspace?

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 6:26 am
by TIGERassault
Space-Invader Klein wrote:I have created a Group on Myspace to see if any potential Descenters will come across it and join our D3 community. If you have a myspace, and would care to join, the address is
If you don't have a myspace, others (like:Boogie/Delia/Admiral Hurricane) have myspace accounts for their Pilots, its a cool idea. I have a personal account if you wanna see my mug , but my other account is a music account:, you should befriend Klein ^-^d Its day/night 1 and i think this Myspace group has surpassed the other 2: PTMC group and the DescentIII group. I think their dead, so lets make a fresh one!

Re: Do you have a Myspace?

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 6:30 am
by Nosferatu
Wheres a napalm rocket when you need one. :P

Do you have ethics?

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 10:26 am
by Space-Invader Klein
Sirius wrote:As far as I'm concerned, Myspace is for people that haven't figured out how to make real websites. No offence, it's just why I don't use it.
Yea, Myspace isn't all that great, i use it mostly for finding partys(posted everyday) and contacting people i don't see in a long time, Plus i have a music account, which is nice as an artist. Plus I'm a Webmaster for other websites, i don't feel cheap having one...
Nosferatu wrote:
Wheres a napalm rocket when you need one. :P
Why is everyone so offensive? Maybe posting here was a mistake.... perhaps this should have gone in the ethics forum... Your intollerance shows not only your immaturaty, but your ignorance as well... Thank you Sirius for being real.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 12:05 pm
by fliptw
Really, this is how we roll at the DBB. We have a surprisingly low tolerance for low quality, like myspace.

Re: Do you have a Myspace?

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:08 pm
by Dakatsu
Nosferatu wrote:
Wheres a napalm rocket when you need one. :P
F**k that, Blackshark/Napalm Combo!

I don't like myspace because whenever anyone gets them, they have to check it every five minutes, all the time.

It's like they have NO lives. World of Warcraft or anything else does not compare to myspace.

Except for kinky bondage or "careers", slavery ended a long time ago in this country. :P

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:18 pm
by Top Wop
MySpace? Hell no.

Facebook? Hells yea.

It got a bit tiring when I got friend requests in my e-mail from obvious bots, and visiting my friend's 'space' and having to sit there for over a minute for all of their videos and animated 'glitter gifs' to fully load on my DSL connection.

At least with Facebook, they dont allow that nonsense. And its a useful tool to find old friends from High School/College.

Re: Do you have ethics?

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 4:39 pm
by Sirius
Space-Invader Klein wrote:Plus i have a music account, which is nice as an artist.
and by the way

That is the most legitimate reason for having one - Myspace has a pretty decent music player thing... and many artists choose to use it to show off some of their music without worrying about it getting ripped off (theoretically).

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:42 pm
by Nergen-Ak1-Defender
Why do most of you hate myspace? Would you rather pay lots of money for your own webpage, risk it being down for hours or get it for free? Myspace is not specifically only for perverts, pedophiles and criminals. Myspace is for social networking, videos and much more things other than what some other people think . You can create a top banner and everything for myspace to make it look professional. I found an old friend that i havent seen for 8 years from my old town/neighborhood. So, get your heads out of your butts and stop talking like you have a paper a**hole. I hate this one way thinking. All you have to do is try it and have common sense around you when you use it. Be smart and learn about what is out there instead of sticking around a message board all day (no offense to DBB).

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 6:06 pm
by Krom
I run a web server out of my basement, it is no added cost on to my internet bill or anything. I also co-own some professional server space, and two domains. If I wanted to I could quickly and easily put up my own site, but I wouldn't have to put up with a single advertisement anywhere on the whole domain.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 6:10 pm
by MD-2389
Myspace, like AOL, is the cesspool of the internet. It is utter garbage, and I would not shed one tear if it suddenly disappeared from the internet for good.



AOL :P?!

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 6:26 pm
by Space-Invader Klein
MD-2389 wrote:Myspace, like AOL, is the cesspool of the internet. It is utter garbage, and I would not shed one tear if it suddenly disappeared from the internet for good.
I wouldn't shed a tear either, Its not like i LOVE myspace, and understand the high and mightyness of the Anti-Myspace people cause I used to be one, I don't check mine every day either. Yes a lot of Bullcrap is on myspace, and many 'myspacers' which is the same thing as being part of a forum and checking it everyday to post senseless drama. Running a webserver would be great, but then you need dedicated people in groups to go there and use it, people allready use myspace/facebook, I have even found friends I forgot i had. Haters can't be happy unless they hate I guess... [/i]

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 6:56 pm
by TIGERassault
I don't like those MySpace and Facebook sorta stuff because it just shows how low the average intelligence of a person my age really is! I prefer the thought that a person with an average intelligence does actually have intelligence!

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 8:35 pm
by roid
sometimes ppl online urge me to get an account, and i often think about it. So i'll go check out myspace for a little while, read around, try to make sense of it.

i don't get it. The messages ppl leave are a mixture of spam, mobile-txt-messages, and AOLeese \"look it's a a sparkly pic of a flower\" garbage. There doesn't seem to be any substantial content in the whole thing. Is there some blog bit hidden away in it that i missed? Or is the whole thing just a virtual locker to decorate with sparkles and slip notes into?

So i put this back to the people who urge me to get an account - they um and ahh and then admit that \"yeah, i guess it's really just a waste of time\".


Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 10:44 pm
by Firewheel
I used to use MySpace but I never do anymore - I would delete my account except that I want to be able to see photos and read posts by bands. Music stuff is just about the only legitimate use of the blasted website.

I like Facebook, on the other hand, and find it a much more useful social site. I don't have to deal with spam or stupid flashy profile pages that take months to load.

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 12:28 am
by fliptw
As I stated before, we here at the DBB have a low tolerance for low quality.

The signal to noise ratio on Myspace is way too high for a handful of good sites to really raise it.

Why would we need a myspace group if we already have the DBB's?

Finally, myspace sold out a long time ago, so consider that.

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 1:35 am
by Admiral Thrawn
A lot of my coworkers and friends actually use myspace to keep in touch. I mainly blog on my site, but I've been known from time to time to mirror my blog entry on myspace and yahoo 360 as well.

I really don't think of it as a \"cesspool\" of the internet however. If that was the case, then it wouldn't be so successful. Yea, I have my own control with my own site and can set it up however which way I wish, but myspace has it's uses too.

I try to refrain from the internet \"elitest\" attitude, even though I have reasonable skills.

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:01 am
by Sedwick
My life just isn't exciting enough to share with the world right now. I'll wait for when I can actually contribute something.

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 9:46 am
by d3jake
[RIP]d3jake : heh, no. For me myspace is a step above satan!
>.< LOL!!

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 9:51 am
by Testiculese
I have an account, but I haven't logged into it more than five times since I registered last year. A few friends have a little circle of themselves and kept pestering me to join, so I did...and nothing happened. I see them on a semi-daily basis anyway so the website holds absolutely no interest. Besides the fact that it is the slowest, most poorly coded site I've ever seen. I can code a better site in 6 months by myself.

MySpace is definitely a cesspool. Cesspools are usually successful because they cater to the lowest common denominator. The average Myspace user shares the same intelligence as the insects that occupy a cesspool.

I'm with roid. I've glanced around, and it's all over-drama hiphop \"Holla bitches!\" low-standards crap. I wasn't into that when I was a kid, and sure not into it now.

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:01 am
by CDN_Merlin
I have a myspace page but don't use it anymore. It is very slow. I am on facebook because it's free and a lot of old friends from high school are on it. you needed to pay which sucked.

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:08 am
by Kiran
I have a myspace account and uses it to keep in touch with my high school classmates and various friends I made while in college.
But also to make friends and then remove the new friends from my list when it's obvious that they're interested in having a high no. of friends on their list and not interested in keeping in contact.

I even did that to my high school classmatest too :lol:. Haven't cared to \"be\" friends witht hen back then, why should I now if all they want is a number. :roll:

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:20 am
by TigerRaptor
I have a YouTube and LiveVideo account. Does that count? :P

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:49 am
by Dakatsu
I actually have a myspace account, because EVERYONE in the 8th grade was bugging me to get one! \"Get a myspace Kyle!\" \"You need a myspace Kyle!\" \"Free money and sex for you if you get a myspace Kyle!\".

So I got one, just for the purpose of when they ask, I say \"Yes, I do, and I only check it... every four months! Have fun!\"

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:52 am
by Testiculese
So I guess you aren't rolling in money and \"bitches\"? False advertising strikes again :)


Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 12:56 pm
by Bet51987
Testiculese wrote:So I guess you aren't rolling in money and "bitches"? False advertising strikes again :)

As for me, I don't have myspace or blogs. Too boring. I rather play descent 3.


Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 1:12 pm
by Lothar
I picked up myspace to keep in touch with certain friends and relatives. Some of them have their myspace profile/blogs set up so you have to be on their friends list to read them.


Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 1:24 pm
by Duper
Lothar wrote:I picked up myspace to keep in touch with certain friends and relatives. Some of them have their myspace profile/blogs set up so you have to be on their friends list to read them.

It's about the only way I can keep in contact with a younger brother ... and that's about the ONLY reason I have one. I didn't even bother setting up a "webspace".

One thing Myspace has taught me; most people were NOT ment to be website designers ... omg what horrid messes I've seen. >;P


Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 1:48 pm
by Topher
Bet51987 wrote:As for me, I don't have myspace or blogs. Too boring. I rather play descent 3.

Hey now, blogs can still be awesome!


Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 2:23 pm
by JMEaT
MD-2389 wrote:Myspace, like AOL, is the cesspool of the internet. It is utter garbage, and I would not shed one tear if it suddenly disappeared from the internet for good.


Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 2:57 pm
by Lothar
Duper wrote:One thing Myspace has taught me; most people were NOT ment to be website designers ... omg what horrid messes I've seen. >;P
I learned the same thing from Geocities about 10 years ago. Myspace is just Geocities for broadband. It's the same web-design mistakes, but with looping mp3's instead of midis and videos instead of animated gifs.


Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:05 pm
by Testiculese
Topher wrote:Hey now, blogs can still be awesome!
Right-Click on breakpoints?! I never tried, that IS awesome! Do the conditions get saved with the project, is the question...Can't wait to get home :)

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
by Topher
Yes, they should be saved in the solution.

[And now back to bashing MySpace]

Freakin' MySpace! The only good page of the eleventy billion there is Weird Al's.

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:36 pm
by AceCombat

Well besides the 'what seems like fun' bashing of myspace...

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:59 pm
by Space-Invader Klein
As of yesterday, I had 3 new members join, 2 'random' people(Maybe from the forum, can't tell), and 'Scientific Community' the artist who made the music for Descent3( ).

Most myspace people like to 'Jazz up' their site for 'fun.' I as well don't understand most of the inlayed crap people place on their sites... I tried to make mine look nice without overloading it with a bunch of crap, but still have a few random pictures and whatnot because believe it or not, the myspacers look and copy that ★■◆● from the more inventive people. So their pages become a conglomery of Frankinstein pages..... You DO have the choice to not insert any code, makeing it simple and clean. And the average intelligence of the common person is very below what even the schools are trying to force as the standard of intelligence, example: The TV show 'Are you smarter than a 5th Grader.' Most people are not.

I am not trying to get anyone to Join myspace, I mean unless you have friends already on it, it would do you no use anyway. There is blogging, picture shareing, internal bullitons can be sent to all your friends at once(must be a member) and thats how I find most of my partys. Which is why I use a personal page.... Who needs to an exciting life, just to compair the differences between your friend's tastes is interesing. NOW the spammers, you'll allways have those whores tryin' to get you to visit their nudity site and bands looking for just anyone. I go by the: \"If I don't know you personally, Press the Deny button\" I don't care much for friend numbers, or random fangirls/boys who 'like' your info on your site and want to hassle you. I've even had some girl tell me she just broke up with her boyfriend, is moving to my area, and would like to meet me for a long term relationship.... :roll: And Ex-girlfriends adding me as their friend and making dates with me again.... depends on who you know really. I have made money on myspace as well, but I'd rather not get into that <,< - again only because i know people already, and then they find me on myspace. I keep in touch with family members in other countrys as well, that makes talking to cousins/sister quick and easy from anywhere....

But you'll never get the 'gansta' outta myspace, which is that cesspool that you speak of.... Its cool do to certain things in that community, like its cool to bash myspace in this community. But having a Descent 3 outsource in a mainstream cesspool would let any zurgling that crawled into the right place of that cesspool know that D3 is not a dead game like they would otherwise believe, and this BB would be a cesspool to them if it weren't for the connection :| Its all point of view. Nice loyalty tho.... I'm tryin' not to pick a side, I just mean to offer something to people who already have it, but this has turned into quite the bash! Kudos

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:21 pm
by Testiculese
It's not cool to bash Myspace, it's just easy... :) We know you weren't trying to sell the place to us.

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 10:59 pm
by grizz


Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:13 pm
by Lothar
grizz wrote:UUUhhhmmm
Woot, Mines! Make sure your boy knows to avoid Boulder at all costs.