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Hillary VP

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 9:37 am
by Gooberman
Should Barack offer VP to Hillary?

I don't like hillary, but when I see those interviews with old women, who say that they would vote for McCain....I believe them. CNN had one the othernight, and they seemed downright pissed off that obama stole this from her. It's like Obama himself robbed them from their chance of seeing a women in the whitehouse. Democrats cannot win without women...specifically old women.

On the flip side, the Clintons are old style politics. It's a pretty good dent on his change platform with her following behind with the Clinton Club bashing all the republicans in the knee caps.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 9:44 am
by Will Robinson
Obama's wife already said no to that. Those of you who are married understand Hillary's chances are less than zero after that...
Besides, there are a lot of democrats who picked Obama primarily because by backing him they finally get to be rid of the Clintons, don't under estimate the for anyone who isn't a Clinton voting block because a lot of them would stay home if Hillary was on the ticket.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 10:39 am
by Testiculese
You forgot \"!@#$ NO\"

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 10:54 am
by Dedman
No! And for the same reason I don't want her as President. I don't trust her. I don't trust her to do what's best for the country.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 11:23 am
by Testiculese
I trust her completely.

I trust her to do everything in her power to line her own pockets and convert this country into an upper-crust profiteering fascist-ruled Socialist system.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 12:21 pm
by TechPro
Abso-flogga-lutely NO.

Not because...
  • She's a woman
  • Her and Obama have widely different viewpoints (at this time)
  • of 'Wild' Bill
  • her \"experience\" includes being First Lady (which really isn't the kind of experience she paints it to be)
  • she moved to New York so that she stood a chance of being a Senator (obvious political upward movement)
  • her \"experience\" as a Senator is not much longer than Obama's
  • list goes on ...
  • I don't agree with her claimed policies
  • Her health care ideas is not the right choice
  • Will change her direction (to suit the winds of political favor) instead of sticking to her stand
  • Wants to use the Government to provide everything people need (which then requires more taxes of the people ...)
  • I am unable to trust her. (what she claims will often be far different from what she will actually do)
Level of trust alone kills the deal IMHO.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 1:02 pm
by Cuda68
I'd rather go Socialist.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 8:04 pm
by Gooberman
.!.. West Virginia


Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 8:25 pm
by Dakatsu
Gooberman wrote:.!.. West Virginia

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 9:41 pm
by Tunnelcat
With Hillary in the White House, we would also get Bill sniffing around sticking his nose in things and it's BOHICA! :roll:


Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 11:03 pm
by roid
Will Robinson wrote:...
Besides, there are a lot of democrats who picked Obama primarily because by backing him they finally get to be rid of the Clintons, don't under estimate the for anyone who isn't a Clinton voting block because a lot of them would stay home if Hillary was on the ticket.
hmm, good point i hadn't thought of the "anyone but the Clintons" ppl. I know i'd be suspicious of anyone from Bush's old-boys-team being in office again, so i can empathize there.


Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 6:27 am
Cuda68 wrote:I'd rather go Socialist.
Uhm same thing :P

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 3:47 pm
by Cuda68
I just can't leave well enough alone :P



Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 4:45 pm
by Dakatsu
Cuda68 wrote:I just can't leave well enough alone :P



Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 7:58 pm
by TechPro
Cuda68 wrote:I just can't leave well enough alone :P

Nice! :twisted:


Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 12:22 pm
by Tunnelcat
Cuda68 wrote:I'd rather go Socialist.
Actually, if you read about the Anarchist movement, at least certain elements within the group, they're more likely to rally for personal freedom.

Back to Hillary, since I'm in Oregon, WE may get the honor of knocking Hillary out of the race, I hope! We have rarely in the past gotten the chance to choose a primary candidate, since we are sooooo late in the process. I think Oregon will go for Obama. :)


Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 12:49 pm
by Jeff250
Cuda68 wrote: Image

Wouldn't this technically be some sort of voter fraud though? Free market election--what could possibly go wrong. :lol:

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 5:33 pm
by Kyouryuu
No worse than \"Operation Chaos.\" :roll:

I can't see Hillary Clinton as a Vice President. If it were anyone but Clinton, it may be possible. The biggest problem with this argument has less to do with Hillary and more to do with Bill. I can't see Bill Clinton sitting quietly on the sidelines as the spouse of a Vice President. Can you imagine Obama and him butting heads over every little thing? He'd want to control everything.

That, and I'm tired of Hillary Clinton and wish she'd just drop out already, though I blame the apathetic superdelegates more than the candidate for not sending a stronger message. Of course she's still running - if you looked deep inside yourself, you'd probably be doing the same thing in her position.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 4:26 pm
by Testiculese
I could never be in her position, I could never be as awful of a person as she is, and still leave the house in the morning.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 7:07 am
by Hattrick

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 8:55 pm
by Gooberman
Kyouryuu wrote:Of course she's still running - if you looked deep inside yourself, you'd probably be doing the same thing in her position.
I strongly disagree. Very few people think that this is a good thing for the democrats. And then you have hack "party leaders" like Geraldine Ferraro (Mondale's Vice Presidential Candidate, the only female VP candidate to date (But I got money on McCain fixing that)), throwing out the idea that she wouldn't even vote for Obama.

If I was a politician it would be because I care about issues. What Hillary is doing hurts her own causes. Which proves that Hillary doesn't want universal healthcare, she wants to *give* us universal healthcare.

And how can Ferraro calim to be pro-choice, against the death penalty, for health care, against the war, etc. and float ideas of that nature. (I've not researched her exact positions, but if she is a Dem, she must have some of them).

All she stands for is pro-vagina and is a disgrace.

Mitt Romney had a much larger claim as a republican hopeful when he droped out then Hillary does now. He did the honorable thing for the good of his party. I'd like to think that most people who run for office are public servents. Who would do as Mitt and not Hillary.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 10:22 pm
by Duper
personally, I'm a democrat and I don't want to vote for either of them. :(

this general election is going to be pathetic. In the words of Han Solo ..and a number of other star wars characters... \"I have a bad feeling about this\".


Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 9:34 pm
by Gooberman
Duper wrote: this general election is going to be pathetic. In the words of Han Solo ..and a number of other star wars characters... "I have a bad feeling about this".
Oh come now, look at who we are getting rid of! What is his aproval now, 26%? Yah, by nature anyone who thinks that they, out of 300 million people, should be president, sucks. But out of those who suck, I would take any of these three over Bush in a second.

Electing Bush hurt us bad.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 9:53 pm
by Duper
why'd we do it twice? And it doesn't matter. I don't really like any of the 3 \"possibles\"...e whatever you want to callem. :)

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 9:57 pm
by Dedman
Even though I don't want to see Senator Clinton get the nomination, I think it's a good thing that she stays in the race. Right now all the nation is talking about is the Dems. They are getting all the press time and that enables them to get their message out there. If she quit, suddenly it would give Senator McCain an opportunity to get his message out. If you're a Dem, you want to see both Democratic candidate slugging it out until the convention. If you aren't then you are sick as hell of the whole thing and probably want to put a bullet in your own head. :lol: