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Narnia - Prince Caspian

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 8:42 pm
by Duper
The Mrs. and I went to see it this evening to kick off a long needed 2 day vacation (wish it were 2 WEEKS) ..I'll take what I can get. ;)

Anyways. I really enjoyed the show. Of course they skipped over the finer parts of the book, but over all very well done. As I don't remember the book all that well, I'm giving a well deserved 3 tails.
Larry wrote: "I laughed, I cried, .. it moved me Bob."

3 point to whomever can tell me where that quote is from.

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 11:03 am
by Plague
I decided to read the book again a couple of hours before the movie. I'm sure most everybody has read the book, but for good measure...


They changed up the timeline of events a good bit for no clear reason. This wouldn't have been so bad if they didn't use it to portray Peter as a fool instead of the High King. In the book, Caspian fights a couple of battles at Aslan's How and sustains losses (storming the castle was never an option in the book, as Miraz's army was upon the place quickly). Only after this does Caspian realize that he is in dire need and winds Susan's horn. Peter, having actual battle experience, is the one who arrives and suggests the challenge to Miraz. I can't think of a single good reason to change this timeline, as you can still have the children traveling and having the story told to them by Trumpkin.

Another rather minor detail that annoyed me was the fact that they did the trees LOTR style rather than how they are described in the book (similar to the tree spirits in Lucy's dream). I was really looking forward to seeing them in action.

Lastly, a random love story thrown in between Caspian and Susan? It's really only in 2 short scenes, but that makes it even worse because it seems tacked on for the amusement of preteen girls. I'm really glad that Susan won't be back in the next one for them to try it again.

Of course, despite all this, I loved the movie. Edmund, Trumpkin, and Reepicheep were really spot on. The action seemed much better than that of the first film. I also liked how they played up the duel, which was somewhat anticlimatic in the book.

Favorite Scene: Reepicheep and the Mice before Aslan near the end. It was perfect because it was exactly like the book. It gave me the same feeling as the Lamp Post scene in the first film.

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 6:15 pm
by Foil
I haven't read it since I was about 10, but I'll probably see it sometime in the next few days. I'm kinda looking forward to it, as I don't remember as much about Prince Caspian as I do about some of the other books in the series.

P.S. Duper, that quote is from VeggieTales. :wink:

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 10:39 pm
by Kilarin
I love the book to much to enjoy the movie.
They did things to LWW that were VERY frustrating to a Lewis purist. <sigh> And PC looks like it is going to deviate even further from the plot. <sigh>

thanks for the review Plague. Confirms most of the rumors I've been reading. :(

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 10:37 am
by Alter-Fox
I saw it on friday... it was really good. But I like anything with griffins.


Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 1:20 am
by Duper
Foil wrote:
P.S. Duper, that quote is from VeggieTales. :wink:
ding ding ding!!! We HAAAVE a WEEEEEENNNNNAaaaarrrrr! (3 pts to Griffondor) :lol:

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 4:53 pm
by Unix
It was about and hour and half too long. Taking a break in the middle of a fight scene is boring. I don't care if you're tired. I'm not tired of watching you swing your sword.

CGI was pretty good, I guess. Caspian gave off wave after wave of femininity and was more attractive than any female in the movie - with the exception of the minotaur or whatever that hairy broad was. So that was pretty distracting. Although it may mean I'm gay - not sure.

The end fight scene was about the only redeeming part of the film, IMO.

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 8:24 pm
by Kiran
DK and I just saw Narnia tonight. The movie was entertaining. The only downside was the fight scene... I didn't read the book (yes, I'm lazy) but I wasn't expecting that break.
Favorite character: Reepicheep! :D :D :D
(He reminded me somewhat of Puss in Boots from Shrek :P )