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A new kind of Science Fiction...

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 8:57 pm
by Alter-Fox
This is the back cover for a book I'm planning to write. The italicized stuff at the top is the first paragraph of the actual story (I haven't written any more of that yet). I tried to make the back cover Lemony Snicket-esque...
Victims of Fate wrote: If you’re old enough, you might remember something called humanity. You might remember being a part of it. You might even remember how it was destroyed.

Attention, reader:

The manuscript for this book was received from the future through a time warp. We have not been able to ascertain whether it is an actual memoir or a work of fiction. We have also been unable to decipher the author’s pseudonym. As the story starts only a few years from now, this could, in theory be your own memoir. If this is the case, we unfortunately cannot provide you with any advice on the dangers of disobeying your own actions, including, but not limited to: insane stunts that would surely kill any living creature, winning a holy war that you didn’t start, surviving a three-thousand year long ice age from beginning to end, and referring to lemmings as “a tasty snack”. Read at your own risk.

The Publisher
The concept is that the characters in the story could be anyone alive today, even the reader. Also, the story will be told from first person, as it's supposed to be an autobiography.

Do you think this sounds any good? Or do you think I should devote my energy to something that will turn out better?

Oh, BTW - the story will be called "Victims of Fate".

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 9:13 pm
by Isaac
I haven't read anything like this yet. But it seems like the stuff I read.

It sounds tricky. For example, you'll have trouble avoiding the protagonist's gender. Unless it's genderless due to some accident. (I understand loosing a male specific organ but how do you get female genetically ripped out by accident? I mean even breasts would have to be removed.)

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 9:29 pm
by Alter-Fox
The protagonist will be a certain gender, but there will be characters of the other gender... the point is really that the reader could be any of the characters in the story (that's what I meant at least). Also, several characters' species change near the beginning, so their gender may change as well...

Anyway, I'll make sure to give each gender equally important roles in the story.

Oh, BTW - I'm planning to actually work the book into the story at one point when the protagonist (X) will see it on a shelf at a bookstore (by this time the protagonist has change his name to the pseudonym of the author so X is quite confused because X hasn't written it yet). Unfortunately X isn't able to read it because there's a fire or some other disaster in the store that they're currently escaping.


Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 10:34 pm
by Isaac
Alter-Fox wrote:The protagonist will be a certain gender, but there will be characters of the other gender... the point is really that the reader could be any of the characters in the story (that's what I meant at least). Also, several characters' species change near the beginning, so their gender may change as well...
I see I misunderstood.

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:49 pm
I can definately see this taking off. Will it be like one of Isaac (no not our Isaac :) ) Asimof's books where it will be all talk and no action and random characters poping up out of nowhere (yes, I am reading one of his books right now), or will there be a good amount of plot, character detail, and violence?

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:47 pm
by Gekko71
It sounds like a fresh angle to me - so go for it!

Happy writing. :)

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:36 am
by S13driftAZ
There are two things i gonna say about this story:

Holy crap! this looks amazing!


Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 1:57 pm
by Alter-Fox

I'm hoping to have a good amount of action, and I definetely want a good plot. For most of the story, the characters are not human, and most of them take on aliases...

The story will take place over a very long period of time (a little over 3000 years), but I already have at least some of it planned out. It will probably take a long time to write, especially since my computer broke down and all I have is a portable word processer (it's called an AlphaSmart).

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:14 pm
Just be sure to put in a few Descent referances that we can all smile over everytime we read it. ;)

Good luck Material Defender!


Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 12:40 pm
by EngDrewman
NUMBERZero wrote:Just be sure to put in a few Descent referances that we can all smile over everytime we read it. ;)

Good luck Material Defender!

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 8:42 pm
Super bump! I say that we need an update! How's it going? :D

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:48 am
by Pandora
This sounds great! Well written as well (as far as I can tell as a non-native speaker). The only thing I would change is 'disobeying your actions' - what does that mean?

I would definately read it!

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 1:12 pm
by Alter-Fox
I'm still coming up with ideas. I'll probably be able to when reading week (the university equivalent of spring break) comes in February, since I'm pretty busy with my classes now.

I've thought of a few Descent references (subtle ones, so it won't take away from the story for people who haven't played Descent).

@Pandora: I probably could have worded that better. It means that if you do turn out to be a character in the book, there might be supernatural consequences if you don't do what the book says you're going to do (the book knows, because it's written in the near future when you still exist.)

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:43 am
by Pandora
ah, I see! Thanks!

From your use of reading week, does it mean you are based in the UK? Or do they have this in the US as well?

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:20 am
by Alter-Fox
Neither. I'm Canadian.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:34 am
Canada, eh? lol. I've always wanted to go to Canada.
</off topic>

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:54 pm
by Sirius
Probably best during the summer unless you're really keen. :D


Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 6:33 pm
by Alter-Fox
Sirius wrote:Probably best during the summer unless you're really keen. :D
Today might have been a good day to come to Winnipeg. It was only 0 degrees Celsius (~10 Farenheit I think).

Usually this time of year is when we start to experience a martian summer (that's not a joke). Temperatures are usually about minus 40. With the windchill it goes down to minus 50 or even close to minus 60 sometimes.

Anyway, let's get back on topic now.

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:50 am
0 degrees C is 32 degrees F.

Re: A new kind of Science Fiction...

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:36 am
by Alter-Fox

A little update. I haven't forgotten about this.

The problem I had before (and the reason I couldn't start) was that I had a concept but no plot.
Well... now I've come up with a plot. I have enough that I can start writing story and chapter outlines, then hopefully start writing the stuff that you'd actually read. So maybe I'll actually be done this in a few years!

Re: A new kind of Science Fiction...

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:07 pm
by snoopy
Alter-Fox wrote:Ubernecro!!!!!

A little update. I haven't forgotten about this.

The problem I had before (and the reason I couldn't start) was that I had a concept but no plot.
Well... now I've come up with a plot. I have enough that I can start writing story and chapter outlines, then hopefully start writing the stuff that you'd actually read. So maybe I'll actually be done this in a few years!
Nice. Here's my advice: characters drive stories. People get into books because they want to find out what happens to the people in the story, not so much the actual events. Give it some good action and plot and such, but I'd recommend that you spent the most time & effort on your characters. Along your ideas of having characters change species and such, make sure that you still keep them "humanized" enough that your reader can identify with them and what they're dealing with.

Re: A new kind of Science Fiction...

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:59 pm
by Alter-Fox
I know that most of all...
You've never played against me in D3 have you?

I enjoy making characters more than stories -- but I want the characters to do something! That's why I want to write.