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Simuleyes 3D stereo VR glasses

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:24 am
by PyroJockey
I just won a pair of Simuleyes 3D stereo glasses on eBay for cheap ($5.25 including shipping and handling) These were originally supported for D2 on DOS and Windows 95, and possibly D1 on DOS. I don't know if VR was ever an option on D3.

For the price it was worth taking a chance. If nothing else I still have a 486 around here and can experiment with D1 & D2. :D

Does anyone have a pair of these or had any experience setting up and using them? Can they work with D3? Any tips? :?:

Best $5.25 I’ve ever spent.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 8:54 pm
by PyroJockey
Best $5.25 I’ve ever spent. These are really cool shades! 8-) They are supported by Descent 1 patched to v1.5 and Descent 2, but the DOS version only. I got them running on an old 233MHZ Win 98 machine and the effect is awesome. I also managed to get them running on an XP machine with the latest version of DOSBox 0.73. They do require a CRT that supports a high refresh, 80Hz and up. A 60Hz LCD display is too slow and has a noticeable flicker especially when running in DOSBox.

I love these things, why didn't I get them 12 years ago? Oh, that's right, the $179 MSRP! :-o