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JazzyJet's story of Descent

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 10:04 am
by JazzyJet
A story of Descent

I am a descent player. My name is Jeff but I go by JazzyJet. In a way it's more real to me because it's the name I chose and the name I made for myself. The name of my secret self. I want to tell a story of how Descent 3 changed the life of a young man. I began playing Descent when I was about 18 years old in 1998. Friends of mine from my Christian group would get together and play games and one that was introduced to me there was Descent 3 multiplayer. I started as a mouser and was immediately drawn to the fast combat and complex gameplay. My friends Readyman and Datguy played with 3dpro joysticks and began to teach me their style. Readyman would take me down in the basement of Apparition and teach me how to dodge missiles and how to master the mass driver. It didn't take long before the 3dpro became a treasured part of me. I learned the game quickly and started playing online and at lans as much as I could. The beauty of Descent is that you can continue to study and learn and change your gameplay. Although I played competitively for so long I can never truly say I mastered it. I have fond memories of purchasing my first phone line so that I could dial in my 56k whenever I wanted. The massive 250 ping lag didn't seem bad in those days. I was just grateful to play with other people. I think learning the game on high ping actually helped my powers of prediction because in order to keep up with the players on a good connection you have to anticipate another 1 second before them. And 1 second is all it takes. I was young and healthy and worked hard and came home and played hard. I went to my first lan at califest where I got my first dose of the fire of the community. There was nothing like it. Seeing Genghis in his super chair. J-oh's beautiful personality. Rocks intimidatingly warm smile. Watching from the shadows, birdseye's funky pinky while he works his ghetto 3 button mouse . Fatal's strange twisting the X axis on the 3dpro which made him killer at vauss. I guess that style was common but it was still weird to me. I got to watch the Rox and Ants duke it out. These players already had their reputation and I was learning and preparing to make mine. I can't begin to list all the players whom inspired me. We all shared a bond like none other.

My life took some changes in the next year. As it does for every young man. I had a girlfriend who was a little older than me and was ready to get married. I was not, I was young and felt I was exploring the world. My reluctance to commit eventually ended the relationship and 2 months later she was married to another man. As peoples first experience in love is usually the most intense, this completely broke my heart. I was shattered. I could not feel anything but the engrossing pain within me. My mind took a nose dive downward and the afterburner didn't stop for a long time. I went from a happy outgoing young man to a weak and damaged self absorbed one. I needed help.

During this time I began to look to an unlikely source for encouragement. I couldn't talk to my family. So the Descent community became my other family. Internet relationships are common now but you must realize in 1998 this was still viewed very taboo by my family. I made close friends in the 59 clan of which friendships I treasure down to this day. My depression had made my mind and family life very poor and one intense and painful day that involved police I packed up and left my home and was warmly received by Hawkeye and Hawkwife in Michigan. I'm from california. It was a long drive. I lived with them nearly a year. They were my family and gave me everything they had. They had great children of their own and took me in as their third. I made great friends with the other 59ers out there. Damon, Dodgeboy was great to me. His favorite car was a 59 dodge so he put it in his name. The 59 clan makers started the clan from a band name 59. They met this way I have no doubt through destiny. I felt these people saved my life and to this day I wish I could repay them. Dodgeboy would buy my pizza and let me stay at his place whenever I wanted. He was so generous and has such an amazing soul. Spudpuddles, Starseeker, Starfighter, and Starsister were my good friends there. An inspiring family theres no doubt. I felt so close to them all and am grateful for my time with them all.

I went to any lan that I could go to back then. Several in Michigan, several Califests, several in Seattle, Chigago, Indianapolis, Ohio. During this time I played the D3 ladder a lot too. Sometimes I was on the top. I always had my favorite 1on1 opponents. Suncho, Palzon, Genghis to mention a few who always were a fun and respectful match. In Michigan I was teamed with Tweety and got to win a 2on2. Even though I played 1on1 so much I never won a 1on1 competition. Always 2on2 and 3on3's which made me appreciate good communication and teamwork. Spud and I would win another. A 3on3 with me, Genghis, and Vlider. I got to see Sfuzzi's Texan hospitality. I got to experience Nirvana's photographic memory and natural intelligence. I got to see Sandman nearly get in a fight with him and Rock break it up. Haha good times there. I was there to shed tears with Fiend, Rock, Datguy and others when J-oh passed on. My last memory was of him loudly cheering me on with a huge warm smile when I received a gift for playing. At my later lans I realized that I became inspiration for the younger players. And I was happy to be. I always tried to play, win or lose gracefully. This was not always the case though, I had a very hard time losing.

I am 32 now. This all happened over 10 years ago. Now I have a great relationship with my family but for back then....Descent was what got me through it all. It was a strange and unlikely source of family and healing. A source of passionate competition that inspired a young man and changed his life.

I still have dreams about Descent. Sometimes seeing the faces of the players and the laughing and smiling. Sometimes I dream of 6 degrees flight in space. Sometimes I dream of the old competition and great fussion dogfights. It will always be a part of me. There was nothing like Descent. When someone watched a Descent match they were filled with curiosity and respect for it. And there is and was absolutely nothing like the Descent community.

I honestly want to thank Descent and the Descent community. For being a part of my life I am grateful. I haven't mentioned a lot of players but be assured, if you met me or played me you were a part of my life and I thank you. It's not just a game it's a part of us. It's a story. It's an interweaving story of competition, yes romance, friendship, inspiration and most importantly, love.

Thank you all,

It's all about love and eating burritos

Re: JazzyJet's story of Descent

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 1:00 pm
by Top Gun
This is an awesome read. I really wish I'd been more involved in this community back when it was way more active.

Re: JazzyJet's story of Descent

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 3:57 pm
by CDN_Merlin
Very good read and glad you came out on top. I remember your name from way back as I was playing D2 multi in 1995 and D3 multi since the demo days

Re: JazzyJet's story of Descent

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 7:40 pm
by Ferno
you always were a good person to talk to Jazzy.

Re: JazzyJet's story of Descent

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 7:58 pm
by SolidAir
Good to hear from you, Jazzy! Glad you are doing well for yourself. I too have a special place in my heart for Descent community and the game itself. It was like no other ... the game and people were great.

Re: JazzyJet's story of Descent

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 8:13 pm
by Suncho
Love you, Jazzy. =)


Re: JazzyJet's story of Descent

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 9:23 pm
by Isaac
Dat CRT and 3.5" drives...

Have not yet read OP's post. Will read in the morning.

Re: JazzyJet's story of Descent

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 11:41 pm
by Top Gun
Hey, I still have dat CRT. :P

Re: JazzyJet's story of Descent

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 9:35 am
by AceCombat
i still have a 21" CRT..... runs great on DVI-I @ 1600x1200x32@85

Re: JazzyJet's story of Descent

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 12:11 pm
by Money!
Jazzy thank you so much for sharing, this is an amazing story.