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The Real Racists

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 5:39 pm
by woodchip
Seems those pesky libs just can't stop with the racist comments:

"MSNBC has fired the employee who sent out a controversial Tweet involving a Cheerios commercial that features a biracial family." ... ios-675794

I guess some of you need to re-evaluate your view of white redneck conservatives.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 5:42 pm
by callmeslick
why? I mean, there is absolutely nothing in that story you linked that in ANY WAY diminishes the actions of old, white conservative racists. Nothing.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:41 pm
by woodchip
Nice try at deflection. Make fun of Mitts adopted child and now another MSNBC person gets ★■◆● canned. Just the news source one should stay away from as it bleeds racism.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:21 am
by vision
ITT: White men who want the freedom to call people Negroes without social backlash.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 4:43 am
vision wrote:ITT: White men who want the freedom to call people Negroes without social backlash.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 10:54 am
by snoopy
I personally love transracial families.

And I have it out for people that have a problem with them.

My take on this: It's just a bit more of the bias showing through. I just wonder if they are smart enough to keep a lid on it, or if it will catch up to them one of these days?

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:40 pm
by Nightshade
callmeslick wrote:why? I mean, there is absolutely nothing in that story you linked that in ANY WAY diminishes the actions of old, white conservative racists. Nothing.
Democrats and so-called 'progressives' have been some of the most racist people I have ever seen.

Racism doesn't discriminate. Lately, I've seen leftist progressives try to get away with the most racist and vile stereotyping of ANY people of color. They think they can do so because they're 'enlightened' (in their own delusional little minds) to the point of not needing to respect anyone.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:41 pm
by Tunnelcat
I thought the ad was cute. It was even still being run tonight. But it would be interesting to find out the racial and political mix of the posters that came forth with all the vitriolic, racist comments on social media about the ad in the first place. Then we'd have the answer. Maybe it was racist white right wingers, but it could have easily been a bunch of racist black guys that don't believe in biracial couples either. Just sayin'. :wink:

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:01 am
by callmeslick
ThunderBunny wrote:
callmeslick wrote:why? I mean, there is absolutely nothing in that story you linked that in ANY WAY diminishes the actions of old, white conservative racists. Nothing.
Democrats and so-called 'progressives' have been some of the most racist people I have ever seen.
and, you base this on what, past your obvious hatred of anything and anyone not in line with your cartoonish definition of 'conservative'?

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:19 am
by Spidey
It’s been my experience over the years that “progressives” show a more subtle kind of racism, like a former employer who asked me to recommend someone to replace a worker that left, when I said he should just place an ad in the paper he replied: (paraphrased, its been a while) “The law requires me to hire first come first serve, and I don’t want a black at that position…well, because you know how lazy they are”

When this area started to change most of the first people out of here were the “progressives” in fact the very first one to leave this block, a very staunch “liberal” was heard to say “ I won’t have my daughter growing up around “those kind”.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:24 am
Based on the history of the Democratic party. And the current actions of many of the "so called" leaders of the black community. And the current rhetoric of stations like MSNBC.

That's what we base it on.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:30 am
History reveals that every piece of racist legislation that was ever passed and every racist terrorist attack that was ever inflicted on African Americans, was initiated by the members of the Democratic Party. From the formation of the Democratic Party in 1792 to the Civil Rights movement of 1960's, Congressional records show the Democrat Party passed no specific laws to help Blacks, every law that they introduced into Congress was designed to hurt blacks in 1894 Repeal Act. The chronicles of history shows that during the past 160 years the Democratic Party legislated Jim Crows laws, Black Codes and a multitude of other laws at the state and federal level to deny African Americans their rights as citizens.
- See more at:

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:38 am
by callmeslick
first off, CUDA, you cite 'facts' from an 'inner city minister whose editorial comment has circulated widely on the Internet'...nice. Second, you seem to equate Democrats(historically) with 'Progressives' or 'Liberals'. Traditionally, the Democratic party was the party of the Old South, and hardly Progressive or Liberal in regards to civil rights. Thus, the usual racist ramblings here take on their usual other-worldly nature. Topping CUDA, we have
Spideys observations, which smell badly of outright bovine feces. If not purely fictitious, he has NO CLUE who among his fellow travellers is a real 'liberal' or 'Progressive', and just wings it from there.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:45 am
I see your selective comprehension has showed up again TB said Democrats AND progressives. PLUS I never said progressives now did I. Way to twist my words to fit your inadequate argument.

And don't forget I cite "FACTS" not your drivel

And this conversation is about racism. So go ahead try to deny that the Democrats don't have a VERY LONG history of it. I dare you

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 10:07 am
by CobGobbler
The Democrats have a history with racism, absolutely. It changed dramatically with JFK...hell Strom Thurmond knew which party was going to be continually filled with racists, that's why he switched to the GOP! It's not 1950 anymore, get over yourself Cuda.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 10:29 am
Ya right they miraculously abandoned 170 years or aggressive racism over night. :roll:
maybe you should read a little more of the history of the democrats in the years immediately following JFK. (Whisper.... it didnt change much)

I thought they were supposed to educate in college. Maybe it would benefit you to go back and stop sleeping through class. Or even better. Try looking it up yourself. I understand that would take effort on your part. But give it a shot. I bet you can do it. C'mon ya gotta grow up sometime.

Get over yourself Zuruck

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 10:33 am
During the 2003 Democratic Primary debates, the Rev. Al Sharpton, said the Democrat take the black vote for granted and treat African American like a mistress. They [Democrats} will take us to the dance, but they don't want to take us home to meet mama."

Yep 1950

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:22 am
by woodchip
callmeslick wrote:
ThunderBunny wrote:
callmeslick wrote:why? I mean, there is absolutely nothing in that story you linked that in ANY WAY diminishes the actions of old, white conservative racists. Nothing.
Democrats and so-called 'progressives' have been some of the most racist people I have ever seen.
and, you base this on what, past your obvious hatred of anything and anyone not in line with your cartoonish definition of 'conservative'?
Just look at how the Dems handled welfare and the black family. The white Democratic Overseer snapped his whip and said, "You want to collect welfare, daddy can't live in the home". End result? 70% of black mothers are single parents. Shows how much regard the Dems have for our black countrymen. Your ignoring the facts shows what a political Rah Rah hack you are.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:16 pm
by Spidey
Great, so now slick is going to call me a liar, and say I don’t know anything about the people who I quote.

That’s pretty desperate ★■◆●!

Can’t face the truth…pathetic!

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:52 pm
by Ferno
woodchip wrote:"MSNBC has fired the employee who sent out a controversial Tweet involving a Cheerios commercial that features a biracial family."
what. the. ★■◆●.

This has gone beyond insane.

There's nothing to discuss about this. it's just straight up absurdity. Whoever fired this employee needs to be fired. there's absolutely nothing wrong with the commercial.

and by fired I mean airdropped into the congo.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:29 pm
by flip
Just look at how the Dems handled welfare and the black family. The white Democratic Overseer snapped his whip and said, "You want to collect welfare, daddy can't live in the home". End result? 70% of black mothers are single parents. Shows how much regard the Dems have for our black countrymen. Your ignoring the facts shows what a political Rah Rah hack you are.
Maybe it's really poison?

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:04 pm
by callmeslick
CUDA wrote:Ya right they miraculously abandoned 170 years or aggressive racism over night. :roll:
maybe you should read a little more of the history of the democrats in the years immediately following JFK. (Whisper.... it didnt change much)

I thought they were supposed to educate in college. Maybe it would benefit you to go back and stop sleeping through class. Or even better. Try looking it up yourself. I understand that would take effort on your part. But give it a shot. I bet you can do it. C'mon ya gotta grow up sometime.

Get over yourself Zuruck
another angry old man response, attacking the poster and making smart-ass remarks in response to a very tempered post. What is up with some of you? Argumentative skills failing you, it's time to just attack and insult? Lame.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:06 pm
by callmeslick
Spidey wrote:Great, so now slick is going to call me a liar, and say I don’t know anything about the people who I quote.

That’s pretty desperate ****!

Can’t face the truth…pathetic!
it isn't the truth, can't attribute attitudes and comments like that to 'Progressive' thinkers without either:
2) not having the first clue about what constitutes a 'Progressive'.

your call which it is, but it HAS to be one or the other.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:08 pm
by Spidey
Well you can substitute liberal if you want.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:24 pm
by Spidey
JFTR…the person I was referring to as a neighbor was someone who was a self-identified liberal, and a person whom I had many a debate/arguement with.

The employer I referred to was also a self-identified liberal, but I never had any real political discussions with, but his political views were well known by all.

As far as the liberal vs progressive identify…well it’s you guys that have confused the labels by running from the liberal label and changed it to progressive.

So I guess the only option is liar, unless you are going to disown liberals.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:29 pm
callmeslick wrote:
CUDA wrote:Ya right they miraculously abandoned 170 years or aggressive racism over night. :roll:
maybe you should read a little more of the history of the democrats in the years immediately following JFK. (Whisper.... it didnt change much)

I thought they were supposed to educate in college. Maybe it would benefit you to go back and stop sleeping through class. Or even better. Try looking it up yourself. I understand that would take effort on your part. But give it a shot. I bet you can do it. C'mon ya gotta grow up sometime.

Get over yourself Zuruck
another angry old man response, attacking the poster and making smart-ass remarks in response to a very tempered post. What is up with some of you? Argumentative skills failing you, it's time to just attack and insult? Lame.
yep learned it from the master. Read your own posts.

Don't like what I post? Don't read what I post!

And FYI I'd rather be an angry old man, then a lying old fool.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:44 am
by callmeslick
Spidey wrote:Well you can substitute liberal if you want.
and still have the same choices.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:45 am
by callmeslick
CUDA wrote:And FYI I'd rather be an angry old man, then a lying old fool.
some days, you seemingly try to be both....

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:11 am
callmeslick wrote:
CUDA wrote:And FYI I'd rather be an angry old man, then a lying old fool.
some days, you seemingly try to be both....
and every day you're the later.

Hey this is fun. Lets keep it up.

Got any more labels that you like to use?

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:55 am
by callmeslick
the sad thing here is that NOWHERE did anyone do anything 'racist' in the incident cited at the outset. Yes, some overly broad assumptions about the 'right' were expressed, essentially painting all conservatives as racists, but those assumptions were in no way racist. And yet, on the rambling goes about racism, here, for the umpteenth time, largely from folks who've spent their entire lives benefitting from racial stereotypes. Very odd.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:06 am
by woodchip
Only people benefitting from racism is the left. They are the only ones pandering to blacks purely for votes. The sad part is a majorit of black voters keep voting for the leftist even though they do absolutely nothing for them. Race baiting by the likes of Jackson and Sharpton et al keeps the black voters in thrall with Svengali like mind tricks. The funny thing is how successful Blacks like Rice and Nelson are conservative.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:16 am
by callmeslick
woodchip wrote:Only people benefitting from racism is the left.
hilarious. If you are white, in America, you benefit DAILY from the racism of the past. DAILY.

They are the only ones pandering to blacks purely for votes. The sad part is a majorit of black voters keep voting for the leftist even though they do absolutely nothing for them. Race baiting by the likes of Jackson and Sharpton et al keeps the black voters in thrall with Svengali like mind tricks. The funny thing is how successful Blacks like Rice and Nelson are conservative.
The Democrats merely understand better the comment I made in the first section. Not that they give more than lip service in many cases, but they clearly aren't the insensitive, ignorant bastards the GOP seems determined to make themselves into.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:37 am
by woodchip
callmeslick wrote:
woodchip wrote:Only people benefitting from racism is the left.
hilarious. If you are white, in America, you benefit DAILY from the racism of the past. DAILY.
I don't live in the past and there are plenty of successful blacks who don't either

callmeslick wrote:
The Democrats merely understand better the comment I made in the first section. Not that they give more than lip service in many cases, but they clearly aren't the insensitive, ignorant bastards the GOP seems determined to make themselves into.
I guess you never read the hate mail out spoken black conservatives get when they voice their opinion. And of course you have examples of what you allude to?

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:23 am
by Spidey
callmeslick wrote:hilarious. If you are white, in America, you benefit DAILY from the racism of the past. DAILY.
I live my life at the same level as many black people*, so are they also benefitting from the racism of the past, or does it some how only affect me?

*Many live far better than me.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:08 am
It's all part of the victim card. They cant make you feel guilty otherwise.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:22 am
by Sergeant Thorne
Can you explain how the racism of the past is benefiting me and NOT the black family down the block that works hard and excels? How can the racism of the PAST tell the difference?

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 12:12 pm
by CobGobbler
CUDA wrote:Ya right they miraculously abandoned 170 years or aggressive racism over night. :roll:
maybe you should read a little more of the history of the democrats in the years immediately following JFK. (Whisper.... it didnt change much)

I thought they were supposed to educate in college. Maybe it would benefit you to go back and stop sleeping through class. Or even better. Try looking it up yourself. I understand that would take effort on your part. But give it a shot. I bet you can do it. C'mon ya gotta grow up sometime.

Get over yourself Zuruck
Didn't sleep through class. Moved to South Carolina because of Clemson's automotive institute and I also work as a faculty advisor on campus occasionally. Perhaps you should have gone to college instead of reproducing at an alarming rate, you wouldn't be the bitter old man that all of you grandkids apologize for when you're not around. And trust me, they do.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 1:26 pm
REALLY you met my grandkids. So you were the arrogant pompous prick they were telling me about.
I was wondering

Ya you'll do REAL well in the automotive field.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:33 pm
by woodchip
I wonder Cob, do you talk to your fellow workers in RL like you do here? Too bad you didn't get a degree from a real college instead of a online one as you might of learned how to post better.

Re: The Real Racists

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:45 pm
by Top Gun
Sergeant Thorne wrote:Can you explain how the racism of the past is benefiting me and NOT the black family down the block that works hard and excels? How can the racism of the PAST tell the difference? we seriously need to go over racial privilege again? I know we've done it before.