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Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2022 7:07 am
by woodchip
The link below is about a young girl who transitioned to being a boy including having her breasts removed Now she regrets it, regrets not being able to nurse any future children she may have. Especially read the comments under the article. You may come away with a different viewpoint on teaching transgenderism to young kids ( was 13 when she started treatment) Yes the link it to fox news but I doubt you will find this on CNN or MSNBC. I thought of you TC when I read this. ... erventions

Re: Sad

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2022 7:26 am
by Isaac

Re: Sad

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2022 10:03 am
by woodchip
Isaac wrote: Mon Jul 11, 2022 7:26 am*he
Read the article, she no longer considers herself "he" so properly to call her she"

Re: Sad

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2022 10:23 am
by Top Gun
In woody's world cherry-picking one single case automatically invalidates the personal experiences of millions of people, as well as the healthcare professionals responsible for treating them. Also, thanks for reminding us all that Florida is a dystopian ★■◆●ing hellscape.

Re: Sad

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2022 11:23 am
by vision
With all that's happening in the world, it's weird to worry about someone's sexuality and gender, right?

Re: Sad

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2022 11:58 am
by CDN_Merlin
I've been thinking that for decades.

Why can't we all just get along? humanity is doomed.

Re: Sad

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2022 1:21 pm
by Ferno
Woody, the pervert. Reading about, thinking about and talking about someone's private parts.

Re: Sad

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2022 1:46 pm
by Tunnelcat
Depending on the political or religious bent of any website or information source, you're going to get a different answer on how many have had regrets or actually gone through detransitioning post gender reassignment surgery or GAS. It's the same with any major life changing decision, you can regret that decision later on and unfortunately with changing your body in that fashion, it's a major change. In fact, most the search hits on this subject are anti-trans and either flavored with religious or societal bias. You do realize woody, that more male to female trans people regret their decision than female to male? ... ery-676777

And the regret after that surgery is lower than you think and much of it caused purely by religious, familial and societal bias and pressures.

Sure, some of that regret is the brain reasserting itself if it wasn't fully feminized or masculinized in the womb to match the sex organs of the fetus (which research is starting to show this may be the cause of most cases of sexual dysphoria) so it's probably genuine. In fact, I'm willing to bet that if medical science could somehow in the future figure out if a fetus has sexual dysphoria while still in the womb, that conservatives would make this the one exception and allow abortions to terminate those fetuses. Heaven forbid we let fetuses be born who's brain sex doesn't match up to their physical sex. It's a sin after all according to most damn religions. :roll:

But MOST of the regret post GAS is caused by the bias of the parents and close family, societal pressures, religion and outright hate or bigotry directed towards these people just because they're different. Sexual differences and variations seem to garner the most bias and intolerance from human beings and that's what's really SAD, not the fact that a few trans people regret their change. Since hetero males in particular are the most gay and trans phobic, when they see someone they even think has transitioned to a female from a male, they may persecute out of shear revulsion or fun. If they're dating someone who's trans and don't realize it at first then find out, they're more likely to murder that person in response too. It's especially high with Latina and Black trans women since the men of those races display the most gay and trans phobic attitudes. Sadly, the number of trans murders skyrocketed in 2020 and I'm sure it's even higher now with all the craziness after the pandemic. And what's going on is on full display by you and your conservative cohorts woody by even posting this. Besides, hetero males who aren't comfortable with their own sexuality are typically the ones most likely to assert their idea of manhood through bigotry, repression, hate and violent action. Even the police are less likely to help a gay or trans person if they're assaulted because this type of bias runs so deep in the male psyche. ... ven-months

As for me, I wouldn't have had any regrets if I'd gone through transitioning to be a male when I was young. I've never liked children and I never wanted to raise them. I have no mothering instincts at all and being stuck in a home as a dutiful wife and mother is positively revolting. I hate having boobs and no muscles. I enjoy male interests and loathe female ones. I hate sitting around with a bunch of catty women who gossip for entertainment. I hate being physically weak. I hated menstruation to no end and it damn near made me commit suicide when my mother said: "Welcome to the club" when I got my first period. I hate menopause even more because now it's destroying my bones and causing my hair to fall out, has given me decades worth of horrible migraines and has withered my body into frailty. None of this loathing was taught to me, nor was I groomed as all the bigots in the world like to hammer ad naseum. If I'd transitioned before puberty, the only regrets I'd ever have are having to deal with all the religious bigots, trans phobes and gay phobes, including my ★■◆●ing sister. But if I were a male, I'd then have the ability to beat the living ★■◆● out of them and enjoy it. :mrgreen:

Re: Sad

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2022 9:17 pm
by Top Gun
So woody, where's your article about how trans kids wind up committing suicide at a far greater rate than cis kids, because they live in a world where horrible pieces of ★■◆● pretend they don't exist and that their medical needs don't matter?

Re: Sad

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:39 pm
by Tunnelcat
Geezus, I'm seeing more and more Republicans doubling down on what they consider "normal chidren" created in the image of God and the need to protect them from that evil lefty LGBTQ grooming in schools in their campaign ads. They literally shout they're going to stop these "people" and protect you and your children from "THEM". What? You going to kill all of us "different" people with your legal weapons of war and turn all our public schools into Christian madrassas? And Burlyman wonders why the hate is on for Christians right now from many corners of this country.

Tumpublicans, and that's what all these idiot people should now be called, are doubling down on the 4 "G's", God, guns, gynecology, and gays. These morons have long since lost their critical thinking skills after consuming that orange Trump-aid for so many years, which has rotted their brains into a stinking fetid cesspool. And woody calls the left stupid. :roll:

Re: Sad

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 9:47 am
by woodchip
What about the Dems? I simply made the point schools shouldn't be teaching young children about different sex life styles until later on. If the life style is such a good idea then it will be accepted as such without teachers pushing it. You approve of pedophilia life styles also such as NAMBLA promotes?

Re: Sad

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 10:13 am
by Top Gun
Oh look, woody comparing sexuality to pedophilia like the bigoted piece of ★■◆● he is.

Re: Sad

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 10:21 am
by Tunnelcat
Children cannot give consent, so that's a hard "NO" on pedophilia and especially NAMBLA. And teaching about differing genders is not teaching about sex, although I guess right wingers seem to have a hard time separating the two. Perverts.

How a person feels about being male or female, even as a child, is not about sex but instead gender. When I was young, I had no thoughts on the sex act at all. It was about how I felt so horribly wrong in my own female skin. THAT'S what should be taught in schools and yes, young children begin the understand their gender at a very young age. In fact, children are pretty good at telling if another child is gender variant. If they are never taught at least some compassion and the fact that gender can be fluid and many have a gender that doesn't always match their body, they'll invariably turn to bullying. That's what happened to me. I was singled out and tormented through most of my school years. It was miserable.

Re: Sad

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 11:30 am
by vision
woodchip wrote: Wed Jul 13, 2022 9:47 am... sex life styles ...
There you go again being ignorant.

Re: Sad

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 5:46 pm
by Ferno
woodchip wrote: Wed Jul 13, 2022 9:47 am What about the Dems? I simply made the point schools shouldn't be teaching young children about different sex life styles until later on. If the life style is such a good idea then it will be accepted as such without teachers pushing it. You approve of pedophilia life styles also such as NAMBLA promotes?
Perverts like yourself are always obsessed with others' sexuality.

Re: Sad

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 9:44 pm
by TigerRaptor
Oh for the love of,.....please just lock this thread already.

Re: Sad

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 10:42 pm
by Top Gun
Can we lock woody while we're at it?