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Poor Eagles

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:15 pm
by snoopy
At least they gave New England a run for their money.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:28 pm
by Gooberman
Has anyone heard a reason as to why they weren't going no-huddle? That would have given them probably an extra minute to work with at the end there. It was done intentionally, I just can't figure out why. They should all know exactly what to do in that situation.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:30 pm
by Defender
Cause they're clueless when it comes to time management, and McNabb cracked under the pressure.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:37 pm
by Will Robinson
Yea, what was up with that, they acted like they were stoned in the last few minutes of the game, or maybe someone told them the Superbowl has 5 quarters.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:52 pm
by Max_T
They did ok in the end, it was all gonna come down to an onside kick anyway. Their time management wasn't too bad.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:57 pm
by Tyranny
They choked...

Damn, I hate being right :/

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 11:08 pm
by Zoop!
Damn you McNabb! :(

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 3:20 am
by []V[]essenjah
Go Gerbils! :D

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 7:43 am
by {OSS}Paedric

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 7:58 am
by TheCops
they already got there... no where for them to go. but at least you didn't do the typical sports fan thing and say "we won!" when all you were really doing was feeding your fat face with potato chips and beer.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 9:15 am
by Testiculese
'Poor Eagles'? They all made quite a few million dollars off you. I'm sure they're all boo-hoo as they get in thier $500,000 Escalades with their wives/hoes/soon-to-be-hoes and head back to the private playboy suites stocked with enough consumables to feed an African nation. Awww, those poor guys!

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 9:18 am
by Scratch
I can't possibly understand why you wouldn't go no huddle. The only reason I can think of is that they wanted to score with very little time left. That game was a very close defensive game. That's the only logical reason I can's a strech I know....

All in all though, that game was lost primarily due to turnovers. McNabb didn't handle himself very well...those turnovers in the redzone were killers!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 11:29 am
by Dedman
Testiculese wrote:'Poor Eagles'? They all made quite a few million dollars off you. I'm sure they're all boo-hoo as they get in thier $500,000 Escalades with their wives/hoes/soon-to-be-hoes and head back to the private playboy suites stocked with enough consumables to feed an African nation. Awww, those poor guys!
Wow! Your misunderstanding of the situation and the level to which you have bought into stereo-types is mind-boggling. Either that or your sarcasm really needs some work. :wink:

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 11:36 am
by Scratch
I can understand where Dave is coming from ....sort of. Granted most professional athletes are hugely over paid for what they do.

But Dave, some of us, love the sport and support our teams with great enthusiasm. To see your team make it to the championship game and lose like's a painful site to watch.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 12:17 pm
by Tyranny
When you look back on it though atleast the last two Superbowls have been fun games to watch. Despite the fact that it did look like the Eagles rolled over in the last 2min of the game both teams gave it everything. Last year was the same thing. It wasn't just a typical "One team is happy to be there" scenario and another Superblowout game by the team expected to win.

In a way I'm really happy for the fans in Boston. After so many years of disappointments they're finally getting some chips to fall in their favor. Too bad the Celtics suck right now but hell, I'd take two out of the three major sports teams in my city winning championships anyday.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 12:22 pm
by Gooberman
Cardnals will never win the superbowl in my lifetime. As it is, we make the highlight reals every single week....only as the opposing team...

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 12:36 pm
by Tyranny
No, but we still have the Suns and DBacks. I can live with that. Cardinals will make the playoffs next year, but they'll most likely lose in the 1st round. I think the Cardinals could win a superbowl if they'd stick with their talent and keep guys that contribute the most instead of trading them away all the time.

I can understand as a player it gets frustrating playing for a losing team, but you have to have the foresight to realize you're a big contributor to winning ways and reassurance from the organization that they'll get the key pieces to build around you and make a winning team. So far they might be on the right track, we'll just have to see.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 1:04 pm
by Testiculese
I've seen plenty of football, and it's mostly interesting to watch. The accuracy of some QB's is uncanny. I didn't get to watch this one, I threw my back out and couldn't leave the house.

But I've seen grown men cry over a game involving a bunch of people in spandex they'll never meet. You can see the tear, as they fight it back. I think that's hysterical. I mean c'mon..enjoy the game. It's not going to affect your life. Eagles lost, so what, they obviously played well to get to where they were, and they obviously played a good team, for I hear it was neck-n-neck. They've done nothing to warrant a pity party, and they're still rich, most of'em. (Ded, I was being real sarcastic :))

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 1:08 pm
by Scratch
Well the outcome of a game can affect your life...for instance you do you like to gamble??? heh.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 4:04 pm
by Dedman
Scratch wrote:Granted most professional athletes are hugely over paid for what they do.
I totally disagree. They are paid huge amounts of money to be sure, but I don't think they are over paid. Why? Because in most cases the market can support what the players are asking for.

If a player is asking for $100MM a season and gets it, then the market could afford it. If he doestn't get it, he needs to be more realistic.

Professional sports in the US is more about entertainment and edvertising than anything else these days. The money is being made by someone. I would rather it be made by the players whos sweat, effort, and ACL's are on the line every day.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 4:46 pm
by Topher
Bah, BRONCOS are going to make a kick @$$ comeback next year, don't you worry.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 5:08 pm
by Tyranny
Not with Jake Plummer you ain't :P

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 8:45 pm
by Top Gun
Tyranny wrote:In a way I'm really happy for the fans in Boston. After so many years of disappointments they're finally getting some chips to fall in their favor. Too bad the Celtics suck right now but hell, I'd take two out of the three major sports teams in my city winning championships anyday.
How about Philly? When the hell do we get our chance? 21 years times four major sports teams...begins to reach Red Sox status. I'm damn sick of it; I'm sick of getting so worked up every year and getting let down in the end. And yet, I know next year I'll be there, yelling my head off as usual. That's what being a fan is about. It's a deeper addiction than any drug; it's a complete emotional tie to the team and the game. Either way, at the end of the day, I'm proud to live in the city with the best damn sports fans on the planet.

Hell, at least we proved the jackass commentators wrong and kept the game close, instead of the blowout it's been in most recent Superbowls. I'm not up to engaging in any commentary, not so soon, but a small part of me is still glad, just because we got there and gave it a shot. And hey, even if the commercials flat-out sucked, Paul McCartney is the absolute man. :D

Testi, I said this in the other thread: you'd be better off in Alaska/Antarctica than this town.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 8:58 pm
by Avder
Hey, at least your teams are getting to championship games.

Us Minnesotans havnt seen damn near anything the last several decades exc ept two MLB chammpionships, a couple of Stanley Cup teasings, and a bunch of flat-on-our-face failures in all four leagues (2004 Vikings/Twins/Wolves, 2003 Twins/Wolves, 2002 Twins/Wild/Wolves). Meanwhile you philly fanatics get to see the eagles soar quite high yearly, the flyers also do consistently well in the NHL playoffs, and well, sorry about your baseball franchise :P

I wonder which city has been to the playoffs the most in the last decade without seeing a league/conference championship?

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 9:05 pm
by TheCops
Top Gun wrote:Testi, I said this in the other thread: you'd be better off in Alaska/Antarctica than this town.
why would he be better off? it's no different than having some religious holiday ramrodded down your throat for 3 months out of the year.

it just gets very tired... and i totally understand testie. he seems to apprieciate the physical skills of these athletes but has to deal with a bunch of cattle that attach their emotional stability on the outcome of a game.

he seems more sane than the philly fans that use violence against people that don't have the right colors on. you do have a jail built into your stadium, right? how fuckin' sad is that? i wouldn't be proud of that.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 9:18 pm
by Birdseye
Worse to me than the lack of the scripted no huddle was giving up before half-time. They had enough time on the clock, and time outs (I think it was like 1:30) before half time to at least give a couple long plays a try and shoot for a field goal. They ended up on the 40 yard line of the patriot's before time ran out. Had they managed well, they easily could have picked up the tying field goal before half.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 9:21 pm
by kurupt
after watching that game, i think rush limbaugh was right. that loss damn near falls on mcnabb's shoulders 100%. he looked like a mediocre quaterback at best.

he's in charge of getting the plays in in a timely manner, and has total control of where his throws go. the guy had time, his errant throws were not his o-lines fault at all. you see some of the catches lj smith, to, and westbrook made? some very nice grabs on some very bad throws. the no huddle thing was a very bad idea, he should have taken control and moved everyone to the line.

or maybe his coach was a dumbass.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 10:15 pm
by Top Gun
kurupt, that was nowhere near the real McNabb. If you had watched the last two weeks, you would have seen a world of difference.

TheCops, I was just stating my honest opinion. I'm not advocating violence by any means, but I deeply admire the devotion that the fans in this city have for their teams, year after year. Being a fan myself, I just can't see where Testi is coming from.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 11:11 pm
by Beowulf
All I'm sayin is McNabb choked under the bright lights.

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 12:02 am
by JohnnnY
Yep, the Eagles choked again, but at least they gave them a run for their money. Thank god Brady didn't get MVP, because then they would've though he was Montana,which he isn't. At least Philly didn;t get blown out like Indy/Pittsburgh did against New England. We'll be back next year. = )

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 1:18 am
by kurupt
Scratch wrote:I can't possibly understand why you wouldn't go no huddle. The only reason I can think of is that they wanted to score with very little time left. That game was a very close defensive game. That's the only logical reason I can's a strech I know....

All in all though, that game was lost primarily due to turnovers. McNabb didn't handle himself very well...those turnovers in the redzone were killers!!!
that would be good logic had they been down by one possesion. but they were down by 2 possesions. on at least one of them you have to take a shot or two at the endzone and then settle for the field goal to send it to ot. have faith in your defense to stop them and give you the ball back with 2 to 3 minutes left and only a 7 point defecit. why they didnt do that with 6 minutes left, i have no idea. they were staying in bounds and staying in the huddle for 25 seconds... which is only smart had it been because they were calling the next 2-3 plays - but they werent. i dunno wtf was up with that.

as for my previous mcnabb comment, the turnovers reinforce my point. he's not that good. he may be fast with a cannon of an arm, but if you cant manage the clock or take care of the football, who are you? tony banks, thats who. remember him? didnt the rams win all those superbowls right after they replaced him?

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 1:24 am
by Lothar
kurupt wrote:he may be fast with a cannon of an arm...
... better check the calibration on that cannon again.

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 5:58 am
by Vlider
kurupt wrote:after watching that game, i think rush limbaugh was right. that loss damn near falls on mcnabb's shoulders 100%. he looked like a mediocre quaterback at best.

he's in charge of getting the plays in in a timely manner, and has total control of where his throws go. the guy had time, his errant throws were not his o-lines fault at all. you see some of the catches lj smith, to, and westbrook made? some very nice grabs on some very bad throws. the no huddle thing was a very bad idea, he should have taken control and moved everyone to the line.

or maybe his coach was a dumbass.
I agree, Mcnabb facked that game off. And what ticked me off is he didn't use his strengths and scramble. if that were vick he'd be running around the field like a damn squirrel.

too bad falcons didn't make it.

it felt like a monday night football game, not like last year with the panthers and patriots which was real good.

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 12:22 pm
by Testiculese
Lol, TopGun, the majority of Phili fans are extrmemly not loyal. Eagles doing bad? They're totally ignored. Doing well? Right on the bandwagon.

Everyone's blaming McNabb? He seemed to be a great QB, great accuracy, good plays and all that...maybe he drank too much the night before?

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 12:26 pm
by Top Gun
Testi, even when the Eagles are playing like ****, games still sell out. Even though the fans are yelling and cursing at their screens, they're still watching. ;) The same goes for other Philly sports. Hell, even the Phillies retain a good fanbase, considering that they're the losingest franchise in baseball history. :P

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 12:55 pm
by snoopy
Testiculese wrote:Lol, TopGun, the majority of Phili fans are extrmemly not loyal. Eagles doing bad? They're totally ignored. Doing well? Right on the bandwagon.

Everyone's blaming McNabb? He seemed to be a great QB, great accuracy, good plays and all that...maybe he drank too much the night before?
I don't doubt that there are hard core fans, like top gun is saying, but the majority of Philly (at least ALL of the meadia) seems to latch on to one star player and hang all of their hopes on him. If there isn't a star player, they don't care about the team. I would say, though, that the hockey fans are a breed fo their own. The flyers don't get much pub., but those games are still crazy.