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Calling all writers!!

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:24 pm
by Sinjid
Calling all writers!! I have set up a fourm for all budding writers!

the link is:

i will be updating it heaps before it is finished.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 6:30 pm
by Isaac
Once opon a time there was a descent page that had many people who liked to talk about things. The would talk all day and all night about corn that screams to magnets that kill. They were a merry bunch of nerds but one day that would all end.
The magic crystal that controlled the power of the open forum was stolen, causing everyone who was connected to to be killed. The simple descent folk, knew not what to do so they spammed their king. Lord Koolbear sat fatigued on his thrown. Defender of the Night whispered advice into Koolbears ear?
?We should leave this forsaken rock. There is no hope for us here.?
Koolbear looked up out the balcony window at all his people crying for help. ?Is this truly the end??
?All you have to do is press this button sire and you will rule a new kingdom.? Defender of the Night slithered.
Koolbear opened his tiered eyes and looked at an ugly red button badly mounted to a radio pad. ?It would make my life esier??
?Push it? Imagine the freedom? end this??
Koolbear pushes the red button and for a second nothing happened. Then Koolbear falls to the floor grabbing his arm.
?What have you done to me?? Koolbear demanded.
A large evil smile was on Defender of the Night?s twisted face. ?You have sealed your doom. I will come back and rule as a hero who slain the enemy, after telling them I rescuted THIS from you!? Defender of the Night pulled out the magic crystal from his cloak.
Koolbear began to sob, ?It was you! You trator!?
Koolbear?s body began to vanish as misty fumes burned off his body. Defender of the Night laughed.
Suddenly a horse?s neigh was heard. The hall door shattered as an armored knight burst through.
Defender of the Night, cast blue bolts of fire at the knight but they were blocked by his dragon wing, shield.
The horse reared fearing the dark magic. Unsheathing his blade of justice the knight hung to the back of his horse, now on it?s hind legs. The knight threw the blade into the Defender of the Night, and the horse?s legs came down hard on the stone floor.
Jumping off his horse he ran over to the dying king, Koolbear, as Defender of the Night burned in blue flames.
?Hang on! We can get you STRESSTEST. You?ll be ok,? said the knight.
?It?s useless,? The king began. Koolbear could hardly be heard and his face looked as if it was made of glass ?My son has left me? this kingdom is a failure.?
?No father. Your son has returned.?
Standing up, the knight ripped of his helmet revealing DCrazy?s face. ?I will bring justice to this land.?


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 12:23 am
by World War Woodi
Nicely done lad:)

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 1:01 am
by fyrephlie
bah .. go make me a descent comic.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:14 pm
by TechPro
Joined... cannot logon.

Entered my username, then the password, press on logon does nothing. :(

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 8:09 pm
by Sinjid
Don't worry its all sorted out :D. Why don't you all just pop round and have a look...

Cool story Isaac. Why don't you post it on FictionForge, it will be cool.