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Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 12:23 am
by Gooberman
This game is insane. Even if you hated Morrowind, which I did, its worth checking out. You could spend years in this game and not experience everything.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:10 pm
by Top Wop
I haven't experienced everything in Morrowind in the 4 years ive played it, and it has 400 points of interest. In Oblivion it has 1000.

One complaint I have is the lack of optimization. No matter how much I turn down the graphics, in certain situations it turns into a slideshow, mainly where it has to render light. You can get 40 FPS but when an NPC starts to cast a fireball it drops like a rock. My FPS drops when I go indoors vs me being outside! You can blame the consoles for that.

If you dont have a REALLY high end computer, I suggest everyone to wait at least until a patch comes out. And make sure you use 85.25 version of the beta Nvidia drivers or your FPS are gonna suck, this game requires major tweakage in order to make it playable. Even a driver update. :roll:

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 5:06 pm
by Gooberman
i play it on the 360 so don't have those problems. It's by far the best looking game i have ever seen on a hdtv.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 5:08 pm
by Topher
Bah, play Nethack and then tell me you've played a game that's hard to explore everything.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 9:48 am
by Will Robinson
I just got it a few days ago. I never imagined a single player game would be able to hold my attention for more than a few days but this one looks like it may surpass that by a few years!

If they could do a co-op version where two or three people could work together over the net it would really be the ultimate!

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 1:41 pm
by Gooberman
Yah....buying this game was such a mistake.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 3:46 pm
by Sllik
Level 27, maxed conjuration, close-to-maxed destruction, maxed int, maxed wisdom... summon storm atriach, break out the sword, prime my custom Grip of Conflagration spell for 100 points of fire damage + -20% fire resist to target on touch, and nothing lives for long. *twitches*

Must... finish... main... storyline!

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 5:23 pm
by Gooberman
I havnt even started the main story line yet. I've become master of the fighters guild, and done alot of other side quests, Also done alot of Arena fights. How long did it take you to get to lvl 27? I think I've put in a good 20 hours and am only level 8.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 6:07 pm
by Sllik
Hehe I don't exactly know, I'd have to boot the game up to confirm. I think it was like 70+ hours. *chuckles*

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 8:13 pm
by Top Wop
Im at 22 and I think it took me 30 hours.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 8:50 pm
by []V[]essenjah
I wish I could play :cry: But I have to wait until August. All I get is a multicolored texture on everything. Oh well, I'll have a sweet puter by then.

At least by then it should be all patched up so I can get more than 30 FPS on a 7900GT and the better bodies mod should be out by then along with a number of other mods. Maybe horse armor and pet dogs. :D Maybe even a companion character to travel around with and to help you out like many of the Morrowind mods. The character meshes are horrible in this game. Especially the female from what I have seen. They look as muscular as the men do and a bit blocky where the BB meshes from Oblvion combined with custom texture and music packages made Morrowind look beatiful. The bodies and faces made by the modding community looked a crap load better than the Oblivion meshes. :\\

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:56 pm
by Sllik
Supposedly a new official mod from Bethesda is now out, but I haven't grabbed it yet. I think it added the aforementioned horse armor, new mage guild quests, and some other interesting tweaks.

I got my custom character that was heavy on magic up to around 26 and decided to start over for fun as a thief-type, but haven't had as much playtime since I did so. I'll have to go load up some of the mods and fire up my main mage character and go play with the new toys.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 6:39 am
by Kilarin
Topher wrote:play Nethack and then tell me you've played a game that's hard to explore everything.
Absolutely! And don't forget SLASHEM, it's Nethack with more, uhm, Nethack! :)

ATI and Nvidia have come out with Video Cards optimized specifically for Nethack! :D


Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:14 pm
by Diedel
Top Wop wrote:One complaint I have is the lack of optimization. No matter how much I turn down the graphics, in certain situations it turns into a slideshow, mainly where it has to render light. You can get 40 FPS but when an NPC starts to cast a fireball it drops like a rock. My FPS drops when I go indoors vs me being outside! You can blame the consoles for that.
Exactly the same story as with MW3:ES.

Are the NPCs still as dumb and sit like ducks when attacked?

Does the diary still turn into an unordered mess when playtime rises?

Can you still destroy the entire campaign when exploiting the loudly proclaimed complete freedom of the game?

There is no other game I hate as passionately as MW3:ES - mostly because it promised so much and fell so much short of its promises. If I want to see postcard landscapes, I look at my vacation photographs. Pah.

MW3:ES was an unfinished product, period. I dare not try MW4 - I am too afraid I will waste as much money and time (> 150h) again. I'll rather wait for Gothic 3. Gothic 2 was a great game, that's a recommendation.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 3:32 pm
by Samuel Dravis
Heh. If you decided to 'wast' 150 hours of your time on MW, that's a pretty good value for $50. You should try Oblivion. :)

No, NPCs do not sit still. It's actually hard to shoot them with arrows and spells now. AFAIK, you can't kill campaign critical NPCs, and the journal is useful.


Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 3:47 pm
by Diedel
Samuel Dravis wrote:Heh. If you decided to 'wast' 150 hours of your time on MW, that's a pretty good value for $50. You should try Oblivion. :)

No, NPCs do not sit still. It's actually hard to shoot them with arrows and spells now. AFAIK, you can't kill campaign critical NPCs, and the journal is useful.
I only spent so much time on the game because I thought "it must get real good some time" ... as we say here: "Hope dies last." :evil:

In MW3:ES I freed some slaves and later found out that I had needed one of them to be able to finish upgrading my personal castle. When I found that slave again, that part of the game was broken and he (or she?) wouldn't do any more what needed to be done for me to finish some mission required for the upgrade. Soon after that I sold the game on ebay. Had the collectors edition, so got most of my money back. God, I still hate this game!

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 6:23 pm
by []V[]essenjah
You try killing the slave and manually respawning him in his cell?

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:07 pm
by Isaac
The last rpg i've played is FF2 for gameboy. talk about 1337...


Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 8:35 pm
by Top Wop
Diedel wrote:
Top Wop wrote:One complaint I have is the lack of optimization. No matter how much I turn down the graphics, in certain situations it turns into a slideshow, mainly where it has to render light. You can get 40 FPS but when an NPC starts to cast a fireball it drops like a rock. My FPS drops when I go indoors vs me being outside! You can blame the consoles for that.
Exactly the same story as with MW3:ES.

Are the NPCs still as dumb and sit like ducks when attacked?

Does the diary still turn into an unordered mess when playtime rises?

Can you still destroy the entire campaign when exploiting the loudly proclaimed complete freedom of the game?

There is no other game I hate as passionately as MW3:ES - mostly because it promised so much and fell so much short of its promises. If I want to see postcard landscapes, I look at my vacation photographs. Pah.

MW3:ES was an unfinished product, period. I dare not try MW4 - I am too afraid I will waste as much money and time (> 150h) again. I'll rather wait for Gothic 3. Gothic 2 was a great game, that's a

Wow, talk about not giving the storyline/gameplay a chance. :roll:

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 10:31 pm
by Gooberman
Diedal, I really hated morrowind too. But I really like this one. I dunno why though, morrowind just put me to sleep. This game looks so damn nice htat I don't mind just exploring. No bugs so far, but it may still not be your cup of tea.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 1:17 am
by fliptw
you must be one of the lucky ones to have no bugs

the only consistient bug I have is that it crashes whenever I exit the game.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:24 am
by Gooberman
Well, its on 360, so I probably have as many as others on the 360 have. I guess now that I think of it sometimes you will hear two people talking at the same time to eachother, and there are little things here and there, but nothing that ever remotely affects the far.

I havn't even started the main quest yet, but I have finished the four guilds.